Sunday 13 October 2024

Of jungle tribes etc

 As younger I wanted to move to live close to the nature, but I did not know where in the world it would be. Later I was on some email list telling of indegenous tribes fighting for their existence. At first I thought it just interesting, but then I noticed that those were typically criwded villages etc and without much freedom to go anywhere. There were lots of news about fighting and some tribespeople gotten killed. So I thought that with civiliced wisdom such would have gone better: some organization protecting their righrs, teaditional ways of living, etc and arranging the possibility for wisdom via reading and possibilitues to travel to live as parts of the organised soviety. What I had first heard of New Guinea, was that it was mostly jyst jungle, but as I learned more, I heard that the jungle too was full of huts lived in, so tgat for a woman it was impossible to wander anywhere, even go for a walk, but had to stay home always if not walking with a gang with weapons along. So such trives life did not seem to offer any such nature contact that I longed for. And so as I have gotten older, I have been ever more convinced about the need of civiluced wisdom in quaranteeing the possibility to enjoy the beauty of nature. On the other hand, I do not fully kniw what to think of that either: on some video from a road with jungle roadside, was it from Pakustan or Bangladesh, the atmosphere was like drivkng along a dense green garden fence on slme garden area of town, and the ankmals coming from the jungle were familiar with vehicles like an animal used to town at a small parking lot used for turning cars at a town district of small houses with gardens. 


I did not find that video, but here is a quite nice option: driving a piece of a park road with music from the car radio, 

#82 in Business of Art Reference

 "  I noticed one of my tens of books having a high sales ranking in one classification: 

"Traditional skills have a place in the modern world" by Kaisa Hannele Tervola, see , was today #82 in "Business of Art Reference", 

Which I guess is because in it was told of the piece of news saying lots of things stolen from a house in Mikkeli, and there was my explanation or guess plus importantly an advice about learning such skills or good sides, and it seemed kind of so liked and valued that it might interest people wanting children of their own. 


If you do not have so much money, there is an ebook version of the book and I have the impression that such are sometimes returnable on some conditions. There is also a free version at 


Even though I haven't noticed my books having sold. 

Now later today 


Friday 11 October 2024

Making deserts green and what ohysics says about the amoubt of moisture in air in the Arab countries

 See my blog about solving environmental issues, mostly only one blog post per subject and the first blog was almost only in Finnish, see 

How north

 In the news there is some series of Swedish speakkng handiworks from Strömsö, of which I do not know where it is. It is a weird collection of nonworking and superbly advertised things, kind of from square and without seeming to go right for living with to something like bought from shop with nice chores, like this we will get it really fine, yet I do not know what they produced. 

Also the place seems obscure. "Ström" in Swedish means an electric current or can it be also a small stream, and "ö" means an island. The s is genetive. So it maybe relates to place where they get things like handiceafts to work out. But on the other hand, if you take something old and use it to a new purpise, it often goes wring, since the old was finely fashioned while the new considers such jyst like material for handiworks. 

Like here in the picture the shelter building looks somewhat only a square and deparate from the environment, which is a Lapplandish feature connected with how scarce the lufe there and the nature are. The new stairs and the added platform make it appear like a place kn a different climate where it is a good idea to leisurely sit outside the tool shelter, yet the climate in Finland largely isn't such, especially not in Lappland. 

The trees have leaves and appear somewhat like trees here on the southrrn coast of Finland. Yet the building is more like just a square, as if the nature did not carry so north. On the other hand there is a flower added on the porch, as if for a moment's enjoyment for someone in trouble only, and after a day or two too cold for such. But such looks like Korvatunturi the Santa Claus Land in eastern Lappland has kind of as one of it's features. It is said tgat there can nature flourish, or a garden? 

Such a flower is like giving support for some in trouble, either ill or without room for their own wisdom of life in their own lives. Such features seem to connect with the climate's charachteristics. But who is it that one so supports? Why is the support not coming to the lical tuned to that climate, it's wisdom, values, skills and character? To whom does it go? Does it go to the ill abroad, or to people not respecting civiliced values or the need for local weather skills? I feel that Finns often have trouble because some such level of help is meant to be informed of, but we do not quite know who, why, where, but it seems to connect with the climate at least. Is it so that instead of allowing the locals folliw the local westher skills and wisdom of life, civiliced values and ways, some want all tune to the ill: to those in space, to the handicapped, to those who do not want the four seasons to exist, or who want to rule over all like a computer arranging everything instead of each having their own.profession, or do some nurses etc need so much help from others? (12th of Octoder 2024   For experienced nurses the blog i.e. nowadays also via the address , available for them and for just about all the people around, could maybe help, at least lighten the burden somehow.)  But if the skill level is so low, each one ought to live one's own way, giving room to the wisdom of others too, and to the cultural wisdom. Keeping clmpany means low capacity, so such ought not dominate over civiliced freedom. 


Is a complex lookibg flower that is good for the wisdom of lufe according to feelings, what girls with such wisdom need for them to have room for their own skills and their own wisdom, for the areas of lufe that they like. And a boy is looking at the same fliwer and demsnding it to not to be complex, and so he seeks to conquer those areas of life, maybe like making geomwtrical shape like seen pieces or pieces of knowledge of them, work achievement like many kn a row, like some forefigure joining such by lines, somewhat like the flowers in a thread necklace, lei of the paradise islands. And all those were stolen from someone who would have needed always some such natural compkexity and level of wusdom as fliwers to make one's own wisdom some room in the environment, to have a natural place in the world. 


But why are such features usual, why are some complex things referring to skilled locals, instead aimed at some without any much capacity or motivation for such a life there? 


Needing lots of food relates with lots of body fat lost. That means the envirnment being cool or cold, and there being lots of moisture, and one's heat regulation being like in warm season's warm weathers. Under 0C there isn't almost any moisture in tge air, so typically one does not lose much body fat, instead one only longs for a warm environment. And in the cold climates the locals with weathers skills are not tuned to losing heat to the environment, like people in warm countries try to get comfortably cool. So in the north when the temperature is under 0C, people mostly do not need so much food, just ordinary foods, weather skills and nice active life. So those who want to lean on people needing lots of food for warmth, ought to seek such from elsewhere. Especially one needs to notice the difference between moist air compared with completely dry air. 

Thursday 10 October 2024

Handiwork materials are different from raw materials found outdoors

 I think that handiworks do suit town life too. Handiworks sre not the most wildlufe like form of life but instead ought to have some civiluced wisdom and good traditions allng too. The materials can be nice, snd often natural materuals are one form of nice materials. But that is different from having just found something oytdoors or even hunted it and using it as almodt still moist, instead of as nicely dry so that one can rely on it staying such. 

Natural materials and nature decoration objects are different even though may have some simikar charm. A nature decoration object is some found thing which one can well pick without destroying the beauty of nature. And nature decoration objects are often beautiful and best jyst as such, without making anything artificial of it. Just olace ghe found feather on a wall or a beautiful stone on a table, etc. 

Of handiwork materials from the nature, there is the difference that one often kind of harvests them, and animals may make such easier by bringing good ideas, but such often leaves the landscape barren, so it would be best to leave the most beautiful untouched, to be admired and the base for life next year. Such materials are taken in and knto use only step by step, first maybe to the hall to see what one coukd make of such, then later as dry maybe try if one can make which kinds of useful tjings ftom them, then later produce such material, store it on a shelf or a pile to wait for a moment of ibspiration, and only on a good moment with a liking for such handiworks make the handiworks of them, and soon take such into use and maybe give them tl relatives and aquiantagws. 

I think it is good to sew clothes from fabrics sold in fabric shops, and to make woodworks from the ordinary flat pieces of wood with at least some of the charm of the material in sight. And such does not seem to demand not living in an apartment house, even though paints smell so one mudt use such elsewhere if at all. 

In town one usually cannot pick any piece of nature, since there are so many people using the same parks and recreation areas. But if one has a garden, one can grow there something also for handiworks? But mostly good handiwork materials can be bought. 

Maybe with handiwork materials (etc?) bought from a shop too, one ought not bring it straight away fully into use, (if one is not in the middle of enthusiastic hobby right then at that moment), and get squeezed of such since it is somebody else's style, their view of handiworks, instead of one's own endeavour, and so one just wonders, how to live with that, maybe eats something because the style suggests that such is one way to be positively with such, but one does not learn about handiworks so, and so it is not at all as happy and wise as intended. 

So first bring the shopping bag or packet just indoors to the hall, then if you are interested in it, maybe to the floor by some edge of the room, or more like to a quite central place quite well in sight but out of the way, and only when you are interested in looking at the materials or other bought things at home, open it and spread it so that you can wonder, what will we do now that we have this material, would it fit this or that hobby goal and do the other materials we have fit together with it for such, what woukd the whole demand? And what are such ways of making handiworks in your life's sphere, are you ordinarily more tidy, sight oriented, atmospheric, or not so good in such, where are the social styles of the handiworks compared with your own ordinary spectrum of life, and how does your endurancy compare with the tasks and what does that mean in your family's life? 


11th of October 2024   Some happy charming insects seem to like quite many colourful (typically of one colour each) transparent plastic objects, and also quite new candy covers in the tall green grasses roadside. So plastic too can be positive material, and in some sense natural or positive like natural, material. 


Today this subject of shops' plastic bags has been surprisingly much in the air, as if it had an unusually wide group of people reading it. I do not quite understand why, since very many of the subjects that I usually write about could have very many readers, and even my own view in slme way unuque info. On the other hand I do not anything much of shops' plastic bags. I just today mornibg wrote ( see )  about my name association to tge name Kaisa and the same association to my birthday 8.8., but such has not felt right association for me in my lufe or in such subjects that I understand, so I have not learned anythibg of it, I only know that I need to decide my own life myself, starting always from the very first moments, instead of being mistaken an object. But my texts are typically on a very general level, so maybe shops would like to base something on such. But I am not socially an influential person, and when the views and values of others do not back up the same values, skills, etc, it means that ghe others often tend to lie, and so in my environment my name Kaisa with the meaning that I tend try try to choose things so that they woukd be good for the world, gets referred to as if "anything mindlessly outrageously allowed" if just somehow referring to tgat name, and so in practice I cannot be used as some calibrating point near which things people do and people's views and claims go always according to common sense and with good work like quality in objective thinking, wusdom of life, etc with a wide view of the world and wishing fairly well for the world

My books , free versilns at , but I got the impression that at ebooks are on some conditions returnable, was it for two days or when not moved it away from their platform or copied to someone. 

But the subject "rationality fits together with feelings" sound impossible to talk among men who tend to produce nonsense or make personal claims about persons having only read something. And so my texts are mostly teaching material, and tge subjects demand objective thinking. 

For national radios, educators etc

 If some have the energy to go through my texts and adjust the liked advices to their own nation, climate and culture, like national radios, educators, artists, wise elderly, etc might have the energy for, my texts might be worth readibg, see 

14th of October 2024   Please notice that I am just one thinker and writer, so please write yourself at least some thoughts etc in these subjects, so that it would be easier to estimate the number of persons having written of these subjects. Both school and university ought to give enough such skills. I very much feel that I have written so much that some others consider me a large group or some journalist with a wage and good ability to find many sources in these subjects. And so I do not know how to resist some occult demand, keep up quality, follow basic school taught wisdom of life, etc. And ordinarily the problem is people coming in occult ways too close or inside the space where my body is, as if I were some nation or some large group of professionals of some nations, instead of just one person who has written much more than ordinarily would anylne demand without wage, good quality, ok living conditions also on occult side, etc. 

I have written a lot, since I have wanted to change to some profession with nature, sports, practical things to do, well for the world or maybe such and arts or also ... And so I have written small pieces of separate nice subjects, mostly withput knowing anything more of them. But so some have gotten used to me writing and tried to find what else I would be able to write, is it mice who can such, and so I have come to write much more than I ever thought possible, and so I am outside my original view of who ought to write how much. My texts may be near varied professions or jobs. I hope that people on those professions would take them as parts of some groups of texts kn their professilns, even if my texts aren't so good, since I am clmpletely without means to coordinate, or superwise, or answer questions about so many texts or to know if those exist anymore at all or have some mistaken my name as a subject instead of one writer and so there may be texts of others mixed in my bligs, and so I just hope that I could stoö writing and cobsider tge enermous task done. And do only some practical things like gardening or non-performing arts, etc. 

My books 

My blogs via my profiles: old and newer, i.e. click my name in the side panel or under the blog texts. 

Charms asked for

 See the series can have several or many (hundreds or even thousands) of such asked for charms, that's kind of the idea of the serie's long list of advices in the skills for a quite sheltered happy good-willing active life in the modern world, year around, world-wide. 

There is also something about meditation somewhere in the Christmas gnome skills series. 

Easy nice healing advices 

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Is each deed ok judging by what one can surely notice that moment?

 My mom used to have the nickname Tita, meankng nothing but causing that she tended to claim all things having the syllable "ti" in their name as hers, as if she were offering knowledge of theory perspectives that are like the phonetical "ti". And so she managed to steal little singing "tiainen" birds' place and position, and tgat of many otger things, for example "titans", "dictators" and "to dictate". That was somehow like in a conversation with the younger or someone liking her or with those not nnowing of her, she saying that "ti" us like her nane and ghen going fussing as if about to tell of such but ending up saying "not now, no" or doing something else, mostly looking in somebody's eyes as if caring for slmething but instead attacking me or dling slme other crime because claiming that "Riitta Hari" was her official name, and "riita" fight, "rikos" crime, "ristiriita" contradiction, or something like that was allowed her because it was her name, but others thoucht that not allowed, sknce it was her name because she was typically almost always behaving so, even though called "Tita" by many. ( It is some occult problem at least partly, since otherwise such effects just would not stay, since a bird is nice and wise in a different way from a certain human, especially when looking detailedly at all things done, caused, promised, looking at the quality and skills, etc too, and at who likes whom how much and whose effect on life is like what. ) 

Today I saw a picture of cure reddish brown hens, and the cock seemed to say that lots of difficulties would be eased away by recognizing right what is what, for examole a peaceful well alliwed theory perspective that happens to ve of "ti" type, is different from "rii" fighting and destroying life possibilities. And so if one knows and recognizes right who around is doing what, who is just oeacefully living according to what is adviced, and who is attacking, messing with the lives of others, without it at that moment being clear why it is well for those affected, well for the world such rules. 

I just noticed that the problem of people attackibg me on some occult side and coming so as ghosts or the like too close, is a result of them having (as a computer related or at least authorship related or identity theft like crime) written to my blogs (without me knowing who they are or at least not having given any promise for them to such, but maybe some of them appear in the eyes of others as women or transvestites who might understand about the rationality of feelings or make healing advices at least roughly as good as mine), and havkng been caught, so them having said that they are devil like behaving (or very dizzy indeed), but such with my name as the author of those blogs, so on some spiritual, virtual or some mental side, those have been claimed to be my deeds and character etc, and tgat is why such come with a somehow simikar deed to where I am, where I mive. And from such a perspective it seems that my texts are not necessarily in my own blogs, or then those are not read so much after the first day or so, or some copies of my texts are by somebody else's name or without the writer's name. So to a certain kind of text the feedback should go to the kind of person who has written so, has such a character, values, profwssion, type of social life, strong climate preferences, skills and skill level, likings, etc., I mean a person who has written so. Sometimes texts are collaborations of several persons or collections of texts of others found. And as time passes, people may change, and to a very different kibd of person it often isn't right to give feedback about past deeds, values, picture of ghe world, etc. 

I got stomach ache in the evening after having written the above text, so I guess I have gotten some Christmas gnome/ elf skills influence ordinarily, but I am not sure, whose, since my life has been kind of dumped down too much, as if ill for that day, so such happens more often when the influencies from others dominate, them either wishing for a different kind of life, or having more power to influence theur lives in practice, or somehow just arranging me out of sight by handling the subject more quickly, kind of pressing me away by dumping down, which maybe rekates with somebody disturbing them with my gnone subject, instead of me giving room for my own kind of life, since I somehow cannot bear so many options of others, modtly jyst my own type of lufe only or be ill. 

What do my texts bring?

 I have wondered at the eagerly attacking people in my life, especially since I have not understood the reason for it. In yesterday news I read about the life of the daughter of the world famous singer Elvis Presley. The pictures seemed to be of varued types of people claiming to be the same, and one picture brought to my mind the social problems that I have. 

So is the problem actors taking important jobs etc, imagining that they did not themselves learn any unusually high skills from my texts, which rely on people's personal motivation, personal likings etc, instead of producing the same skills for all who read them. So did they suppose that if they themselves managed to conquer something that they themselves considered high, and if others too accepted them being there for a while, did they suppose it is ok to ruin such high skills, values, etc? Or what is the idea in this kind of aggressions? 

Do they want to kill all Finns, because they themselves can take part on some course but do not enjoy following such values in the long run, but instead find such life socially uncomfortable and awkward? Do not they notice at all the differencies in military location (island like Sweden or narrow like Argentina, or at the edge of a large continent like Finland), in what climate demands and what ways of doing, skills and jobs suit such an area, and so in what the rest of the world expects from those living there or occupying that area? 


That there are more of your group than of the locals here, is not an explanation enough, since that is often the situation here, but most people just do not like to live this far in the north, but instead prefer the good sides of the warm southern lands even if it more crowded there (It is much more crowded there, but the good sides of such a warm climate and a culture that one personally likes, make it feel like no nuisance). Some years ago there were 5 million inhabitants in Finland, and 7 000 million inhabitants in the human population of the world or upon the Earth. So there are over 1000 times of foreigners compared with inhabitants of Finland. So one should be for the world, in fair wise ways, instead of for one's own country only. 

The view of a happily living fat man and of life according what the society considers good values and ways of living, beauty of nature and true motivation

This is what interests many, but it is not life thst I would feel comfortable with, since I am by my needs of some other human type. 

 The view of a happily living fat man and of life according what the society considers good values and ways of living, beauty of nature and true motivation

In Savonlinna there was a statue of a famous writer called Joel Lehtonen. I did not remember what he had written, but when I checked it somewhere, it was beautiful pictures of town life, kind of frectureless with the beauty of nature and so lots of varied things seen and life jyst conyinukng, like one could imagine seeing the moon between two trees, the complex beauty of such a sight, the serene fracturelessness of such a moment wuth ab ages lld view, or like the beauty of the autumn colours of trees with still lots of leaves suggests. 

It is somewhat like the view of a fat man liking some vajery and traditional chores, traditional kibd of life, with the seasons' wdathers too, kind of being able to keep up fractureldssness because of being sincerely motivated to ages old wise gials in life, to wise courses in the world, with wise valyws and wusdom of lufe, understanding that healthy spirit is important, and so things kind of settle for good lufw for the others too in the envuronment, since the choices are such good ages old choices with enough clmmln sense and wisdom of lufe in a general level so that it suits many, and their own ubderstanding supports such too, and so it is somehiw good for lufe skills too. 

It remibds me of doibg some handiworks sometimes because of liking such, balanving life so better, instead of doing really lot of them and losing sight of other areas of life, their wisdom. 


These pictures today morning here in Espoo in southern Finland from my window,to kind of help me explain thus view interesting many 

Of the four seasons, see 


Some news pictyre of alcohol brought to my mind that this maybe not with alcohol, but instead for example delicious berry juice of red berries, small bakery with rise and pieces of cooked egg or of fried meat or of cooked vegetables inside, open in the edges like a tunnel, or cooked rise plus well cooked meat plus cooked vegetable and a fresh apple or scratched sallad of some fresh root plus maybe red berries, maybe a piece of "kaura"? bread with margarin upon it, maybe a glass of fatless sour milk? 


IMPORTANT: For things to work out in such a satisfied happy way, it matters a lot that one would have moved to a place (and climate!) which one likes and values it's main professions, values, wisdom of life, culture, skill level, etc there and fits oneself there too, see 


From foods these bringbto my mind someone making warm sandwiches: a piece of bread, upon which a slice of tomato, plus quite much Italian sallad plus quite much scratched cheese, and tgese baked in oven so that the cheese melts and maybe gets slight colour. Cannot be stored, but is too hot in the middle if eaten too soon. 

Somewhat fat and liking food, is different from needing lots of food. 

This kind of charm is often longed for by those who lack it. So it matters a lot that they would move to live in a place and culture which they like. They should also remember that somewhat fat is different from thin in not-so-warm clothes, and different from being a person who needs more food than usually recommended for good life. 

Monday 7 October 2024

A comment about economical crimes

 " In today news in the internet, it was told of Finns businesses' economical crimes in Estonia. The crime types listed were betrayal, cheating and tax cheats. Somehow those gave an imoression of what those are like.

Those doing betrayals maybe thought all advertisements to be lies, and so they lied themselves too something such. They maybe believe that nothing ever can succeed well, which I guess is a consequence of belueving education being enough for learnkng the professional skills and calues for a job, even though those offering the education often say that they jyst tried to figure out sone educatiln to help the young. Learnkng talents is a mystery, but one might understand something of it by reading the first text of my book and trying to follow it's advices. 

Cheating brought to my mind the word "pet", and it is usyal that a pet can many fine thibgs but not in a quite human like wsy, so it does not always communicate fully, or humans do not know how to fill in the extra knowledge needed and skills needed, and so even if one coukd so get a product or a service, it varies a lit how well it works and stuck people who do not take different situations, factors, etc into acvount, typically do not get it to work out at all. Lijewise, if a human lies but copies the idea from a pet, many think that humans cannot achieve that well, unless one is an unusually talented, with wisdom of life, age and experience.

Tax cheat brought to my mibd an artist or a writer or tge like, who really can fine things that can be beneficial for the national economy, but who maybe does not have a well paid full time job and not as much incomw from selling or the like so that one coukd live on that money. For this last group the third earliest text of my blog might help. You can find a free version of the book at .

Who is called the author

 I had a poor cover in my book Of walking in beauty, so I made a new cover, since book appeared much liked, maybe fitting for many. But there was some problem with the cover creator program and it did not write the author's name on the new cover, and so the book was for a few days without the author's name. At firdt such appeared a wished for change, but when I yesterday took a look at the original blig, it appeared that without knowing who was the suther, it did not communucate anything much, since tge background knowledge of my for mer texts snd of my skills, steenghrs snd lacks of some areas of lufe thst some others might have had, that info was lacking. So I made a new cover, see . I wish that those who think me or my blig having some position, would anywsy make their own blogs, telleng there of their own good sides, why they are wished for, telling something of what type of person they are, maybe cultural origin, favoyrite professions, age, etc, and what their approach, motivatiln, etc. Yesterday evening I heard someone read two texts that appeared a Christmas gnome text of some elderly nurse, and another kibd of Christmas gnone story of some maybe thkn often agitated woman, but oh how nice those were in atmosphere, even though it was just the sound of someone reading, not any words heard. 

Of buying warm clothes

 In my experience the warmth of clother, for example of winter coats, varies a lot. One cannot be sure of getting an as warm clith as somebody else by notickng type of fabric, coliur, major charachteristics, frlm where tge other one bought it and when, and trying to buy the same, since even kn the same shoo there can be different kibds of similar looking clothes next to each other the same day or the next day. One reason is tgat one always needs to check, does the coat or other clith suit obeself. The seaslbs vary, the tines vary, tge places are different in major professions and other thkngs affecting ways of living and body heat regulatiln, which anyway is individual, so one often needs different kibds of clothes because of living the same weathers kn a different way. It us also so tgat foreigners often do not understand the difference between winter clothes meant for dry under 0C weathers only, and the winter heat regukatiln connected with then, and ghe clothes meant for the other seasons when clithes need tl be able to bear moustness and water, and the hest regulation types of such weathers. 

A text in Finnish

 " Heräsin puoli neljän tienoilla kuin uneen että oveni takaa joku sanoi olevansa poliisi ja että Sauli Niinistö eli Suomen edellinen presidentti on kuollut, vai oliko oven takana karhu, mutta ei kuulunut mitään, hiljainen aamuyö. Sauli Niinistöä ym osaan auttaa vain, jos jollain hengellisellä puolella on yhteys häneen sekä tilaus moiselle auttamiselle, ja nyt ei ole mitään sellaista yhteyttä. 

Mutta uutisissa oli eilisiltana kuin Ruotsin kuninkaan kuolemasta, kun oli murhauutinen Kungsbacka-nimisestä paikasta, ja jossain oli kuva tytöistä pyntätyn näköisinä kuin Ruotsin kuninkaallisiin liittyen. Ja nyt aamuyöllä uutisissa oli joltain jalkapallostadionilta Haka mainittu, mikä tuntui olevan uusiseelantilainen tappamiseen liittyvä uhkaus, että tapoitteko meiltä kuninkaan. Mutta ampujan sanottiin olleen alle 15-vuotias ja vaikutelma oli, että lapsi, koulutyttö kai yksinään. Lapset tekevät sellaisia huomiota kuin että pojat tekevät sen ja sen elämänvalinnan kai armeijaan liittyen Ruotsin kuninkaallisten vuoksi, ja jotkut useat mm sellaisia henkilökuvamaisia huomioita, että se ei ole tuo kuninkaallinen koska hän tekee sen ja sen valinnan, vaan se on tuo tietty kuninkaallinen, koska se on hänen mielipiteensä, hänen kantansa, jota noilla muilla ei ole. Ja niin sitten jos kyseessä on ollut, miten päin pojat valitsevat tavoitteensa armeijan suhteen, niin joku on pitänyt sitä olennaisena, ja kenties ratkaissut tilanteen noin. Mutta moinen hyökkäys ei ole tavallinen reaktio, sillä Ruotsin kuninkaan sanotaan olevan vain nimellisesti vallassa ja hänellä on ollut tavallaan huono maine jo kymmeniä vuosia. Mutta uutisissa oli ilmassa myös brittien prinssi Williamin ilmapiiriä. Brittien kuningatar Elisabethin kuolemasta opin sen, ettei hänen mielestään kuninkaallisten kuolemat ole yksilön hengissä pysymisestä tai sairastamisesta kiinni, vaan aikakaudet vaihtuvat maailmassa, ja kuningattaren tms hallitsijan tai julkisuuden henkilön henki ja asema on siitä kinni. Tulevat uudet ryhmät valtaan sillä heitä on paljon ja tarttee julkisuudessa käydä sekin ryhmä läpi. Jollain virtuaalipuolella on prinssi Williamista vaikutelma, että moni tulee hänestä läpi kuin olisi monta jotka esittävät häntä tai ovat hänestä kiinnostuneita, tilanne poissa hallinnasta. Viime aikoina on uutisissa ollut Ruotsin kruununprinsessan valtaan nousuun liittyviä vaikutelmia kuin hän olisi aina silloin tällöin väittänyt kuninkaan kuolleen ja että hänen valtaannousustaan tarttis ilmoittaa. 

"Kungsmässan" is an unusual name for a shopping center, since it brings to mind an unusually big church service and mentions king.


Sunday 6 October 2024

Wisdom does not spread so well

 Thinking forms a picture of the world. It does not actually command anything. It is just the view of some person of what the world is like. If Finnish school taught a basic picture of the world, claiming such to be commonly taught in many civiliced countries, it does not yet mean that others would follow such a picture of the world with such choices of values. Like wishing well for the world, considering such very important snd folliwing such values in wise ways, would be a basic major choice and assumption of wise tactics in lufe of such a picture of the world. Yet it does not mean that people would have such values, or follow them in practical social life even if they thought such values good to have. So havkng kniwledge of how things coukd ve well in the world, is very different from getting people to folliw such wise choices in life. Like for example too much school causes opposition. Yet local skilks and local wisdom tend to cease existing if people do not folliw them, since in other places other wordings or otherwise other forms of wisdom make sense, instead of the local views of some place which is not so wise. And so all wisdom too needs lots of socual backing up before it can affect tvings in practice, and often such jyst goes ashtray, somebody using force and people opposibg. Often all trying to influence others socially or by opiniobs feels like too much social pressure and forcing, so often the best way to support wisdom is to seek to behave wisely in one's own life, and so there are valyes and skills making such easier choice for some others too, at least sometimes. 

Saturday 5 October 2024

The atmosphere of a place

 An apartment for a home should be chosen with the aim tgat it will be good for you to live there so like what the place is like, you just feel the place to be right for you and know based on the facts that it would be a good home for you there and just that apartment. 

So you should pay attention to the district's atmosphere: do people with your ways of living, values, hlbbies, liked styles, liked ways of doing, with simikar jobs and distancies to similar feeling places in their lives, like to live in such a place, is it their choice, or is it some other type of people's choice and do you have the liking and endurancy for their types of life choices, etc? Generally if you cone to some central point of the district, you maybe observe what differencies there is between the different directilns in what it feels like to live there. Those typically suit different types of people, lije for example houses with gardens or warm apartment houses with some nature next to them. So you can come to think of other districts that might suit you, and likewise do you feel like living in a bunch of houses or at more scarcely build area. 

The apartments in some house or area are often in some way similar, like such and such journey to work, such and such price class apartment, with such and such things well and some things not existing, etc. But even in the same house the apartments can be very different from the point of view of living, like green views or a parking lot, or a wooden floor needing caring for or some plastic floor cover meant for life which could have damaged the woozen floor, cold cellar level apartment or a warm high up in the house, etc. 

Do you suit into a place like that, and does the place suit your likings and your view of your needs? Is there something which may be dangerous especially in the long run, like a source of bacteria near by, or people liking a lot some nasty profession that you do not want, like for example engineering? 

Song of tge old meeting the young

 I found a song called Tunturisatu, a story from Lappland's hills. I sounded like Santa Claus' view, a story of the old very skilled meeting the young. 

"In a night of the North 

I once found you my friend.

With me for a moment,

I hoped you would stay. 

Your bright clear way of looking shone

like the stars of the North's night.

In a night of the North once 

was lighted to a flame our love.


Cave woman like?

 I was left pondering of the picture of a person defending cave man like, wearing a stylish furry cloth, kind of muscular and warm but with a club, as if such were deteriorating to something old. But a stylish cloth, nice and warm for feelings often is connected with the ways of living thst one values and likes, one's major heart-felt choices in life. 

The ability to defend on the other hand is usually not a question of being a man, like the club refers to, but instead many young men suppress feelings and stuck to rigid working life like role which they consider an army like choice, so it often leads to neglecting feelings, especially those with wisdom of life. 

The ability to defend is often connected with the group wanting such, like for example working life, or a hobby group, or such strenght and wisdom of life being valued in the society.  Such life possibilities being valued in the society. 



Is it that one wanting to visit or use in a certain way fine room or apartment, ought to visit a hotel that one likes and ask such from there, for example a hotel room arranged by or cared for by an elderly person with a good understanding of such and such good sides. Anyway, it is not ok to go to some person's home just because one oneself lacks such strenghts, even though one claims having them and even being wiser than the person living there. If skills look like an unfair chance in lufe, one has not understood what skills are, skills are like a job, an area of life concentrated into but in which others do not give anything much of value in return, or then they are personal qualitues to which one jyst cannot affect anything, like having grown up in a certain kind of climate and place, having jyst those skills as one's background. 

Be a center of recovery for the world

 A comment to 

I copy it here: 

"  " 30th of September 2024   

   I took a picture of a quite new high house seen from my window. If such connects with me having written at lenght about the skills for a Christmas gnome or elf like life in the modern world, year around world-wide, see and , or possible miracle healing advices, see and , it means that I cannot in the near future move to any small town. But on the other hand, advices in learning skills are often interesting the first time that one reads them, but later there is no point in reading such, just boring, nothing new. It is also so that people seldom learn such from seeing me or associating with me. So by reading one learns much better, also the easy nice miracle healing advices are so much easier and much quicker to learn. Only sometimes some other Finns momentarily learn from me weather skills, like I too from people around every now and then. "


But if one wants to visit some such place or move to live there, it can be dangerous since such are difficult to check: 

People needing miracle healing may have just died or one heard of some awful wound or whatever without anyone wondering why there would be such there or even paying attention to the danger. Yet there are almost no ordinary dog breeds here, mostly only bulterriers on a walk. But the miracle healing advices have had a good atmosphere here. 

 Similarly if someone is interested in Christmas gnomes, where did the previous people passing by and interested in Christmas gnomes go, who knows if half of them disappeared? Was it possible to get new people to such a tourist attraction? 

* * *

* * *  "

" 5th of October 2024   If people come to live near some writer, in some town area with nature, maybe it is partly because they do not know where they could live, and so they move to live where at least are some life possibilities left and like-minded people. 

Such a lack of life possibilities maybe relates with the values of the people in one's social environment not carrying one's life well enough, for example they thinking that some things needed in life belong to times past or to some groups only, for example to themselves only. 

The ordinary well working solution to such is to be a center of recovery for the world, so even if people around do not invest in so wise values, you yourself ought to follow beautiful values in the wide world, wishing fairly well for all in the world, living in good basic ways of living with common sense and wisdom of life, 

so that if others too think something such a good idea, they together would be bringing the world toward better life possibilities, better future for the world, better life for the individuals, in ways that vary from person to person, instead of all living as if in some rigid theory perspective that is not wise enough. 

Wednesday 2 October 2024

The Christmas gnome skills book series


Please read the back cover texts! 

With the currency exchange rate today 1euro is about 1.10usd. 

A new book/ebook, and another book/ebook

 A new book/ebook from this blog: 

 "The Law in our Hearts, Or how" 


As an ebook at 


Another new book/ebook: 

 "Healing 6. Miracle healing for first aid in serious accidents : Plus other texts" oucht to beclme soon available at the serie's page , but the original advice is at after the book 5. 

As an ebook at 

Some dim dreams or noghtmares about lives after death and comments

 I had two dogs: one white spitz which was a miracle healer and really nice friendly charachter, and a year younger apricot poodle of the same size but of a more slender build which was intelligent and charming, a really fine gentleman. The poodle told when quite young that it is difficult for white dogd to be white in their next life, and often they may end up being black in their next lives, or go to be tortured which makes it possible for them to be white in their next lives. My poodle said that he did not want his white friend to get tortured, so he had decided to help his white friend and take some of that torture to himself. 

My Japanese spitz died June 2019, and seemed to contknue lufe as a miracle healer but lived with fat elderly human nurses that he liked and considered like himself, but those did not have the same way of healing, so across time the skill level of the white spitz deteriorated or varied. 

In March 2021 my apricot miniature poodle died. He seemed to continue to people interested in testing the intelligence of dogs, and then to my mom with whom I do not keep any contact. Sone years earluer my oa' had had cancer, of which I did not besr to hear, but he mught have list some body part(s?). My poodle's ghost? maybe had remarked something of miracle healing being pissible, so mu mom thought if that is so, then the poidle could help us by showing how to grow new limbs. And she cut away the hind legs of the piddle's ghost, and took it to the invaluds' recovery hospital unit near her home, and left the dog there. Where it got a big warm meal, and muraculously recovered growing new limbs. Then it just walked or run back to my parents' house. And such repeated jyst about daily which I could not bear but it was jyst some nightmare, not real. My pa' learned quite quickly to grow a new leg. But my mom tended to cut it too away, and he just thought it was his llng tine dear spouce what coukd he do about such. Such reoeated too several times. It turned out that my mon lacked several limbs, tgat she was inclined toward wanting to be a cyborg, but had an intellectual knterest in the possibiluty of recovering to fully healthy human body. One day ln some virtual side I adviced her that she should cut shorter the hair between the poodle's toes since it was in bunches pressing the poidle's oaws, and that the poidle was trying to teach her how to recover, see how it is better for recovery when the bunch if hair does not oress the paws on each step, learn to lusten to such slight differencies, listen to feelings so since it is good for recovery. So she learned to grow a new limb, or several I do not remember. But was it the same day or next, it seemed the right away so maybe the same day, she somehow arranged something, flew to Great Britain and met Queen Elisabeth, saying that it was öossible to grow a new limb, and loojed at her right kbee and tvought do you too have such she susoected. And the Queen said something like it is impissible to communicate widely but ut us needed by some and some will know or gyess. In the same day it was announced that the Queen Elusabeth had fied. 

The Jaoanese spits had cobtinyed with nurses etc, but without the for mer healing skills. Some Argentinan female vetenarians wanted it to est the human surgery patients' inner organs instead of helping. The white spitz was small and just a pet, things went horribly wrong, cannibalusm etc. And I think each one must estimate bu obeself whst one suppirts, instead of cobsequences unfairly dalling upon a good willing old fridnd or relative. 


Of miracle healing advices, see which ought to lead to the blog , many of which are available also as book/ebooks at .


The news header says: New info of the shooting at Tampere's Hämeenkatu, the gunfire hit also outsiders

Tuesday 1 October 2024

Of trimming a guard dog like poodle style

( In the picture fro March 2021 my poodle Banjo two days before it was killed by veterinarian's tooth inspection & tooth cleaning. )

 "I was left thinking of tge last years of my apricot miniature-sized poodle Banjo, without his pair Vaapukka, which was a white Japanese spitz dog, that Banjo would have longed for a more guard dog like caliber for poodles, which at least partly was a consequence of it's pair for about ten years had been both a guard and a companion dog, among other things with a broader jaw, which affects the strenght of it's bite, but on the other hand if a poodle would bite mouth more open and with the half of it's jaw further from it's nose, the poodle too could so correspond to a wide-jawed but somewhst smaller dog. On the other hand many other dog breeds too are with a quite narrow nose but only under their fur coat. So a poodle could have somewhat longer fur in it's nose, so it would natyrally look more convincing. I think thete seems to be some lenght of the hair which seems natural, if one does not need to think of dring the mouth and jaw fur before going for a walk in the freezing winter time te.peratures. Another thing which affects guard dog like loojs a lot is does the poodle have ehat style of fur ball in it's tail. The most guard dog like i.pressiln (thinking of such now after having lived years without a dog) would for a poodle be something i  the direction of white and black west-highlands terriers, maybe just from the black west-highlands terriers some style added to the poodle style when needed. And at least black minuature poodles have tended to run a lot and ve sporty, so to the ordinary poodle style add some sportiness when feel like liking such, plus some terrier style when needed. 

As a guard dog I think a poodle is good in such, well along in the situations, cooperates well with owner, has wisdom of life and takes all into account, takes part in discussions, changes agilely place, goes it's own routes if such seems good and comes well along when needed, is turned toward the situatiln and attackers and is well along in what happens, takes well into account the different factors etc in a situatipn, quick, but as with a quite narrow jaw, not with a so strong bite and not so convincing lookibg in the eyes of all. It is good tgat one dies not need to use a guard dog like perspective all the time or walk slowly. 

The guard bark-howl of poodles is in a way good too. It does not tell so much, what kinds of being, big or small and in which mood, and so one in a sense has some space to maneuver kn. On the other hand it would somethimes be good to ibstead be quiet even if the doorbell rings, and quietly do lne's chres, live one's life in oeace, and let the problems go away. Likewise on a walk it is nice to be able walk past at a distance, kind of in one's own worlds, without needing to go to meet well eaten or lookibg like likibg being well eaten, and in a good mood, (etc), bullterriers, americanstaffordshirenterriers etc, not even at only a leash's lenght away. "

About knitting machines

 I do not have a knitting machine, and such are expensive. But I was wondering wgat woukd make it comfortable to use. I was thinking of a knitting machine knitting flat maybe decorated pieces of cloth from which to typically make a woolen shirt by sewing the pieces together. 

I was wondering could one leisurely do other things while the machine knits, and then if there us some problem or nedd for adjustments, jyst go and comfortably fix it. So there shoukd be a nice warm clanf like "now it is possible to come and fix these things, kind of to have a handiwork hlbby in practice", and I guess with it a big round somewhat reddish and yelliwish kind of white light saying thst ready for making adjustments. And otherwise it would be more like a somewhat sliwly flashing small white? light as if saying "don't disturb, since I am working", or for example a couple or a few small round white lights maybe in a row saying the same. And if one needs to know that the machibe is on and working, there ought to ve a spotlight on making the area well in sight and easy to work and easy to notice what is what, and no problems in kniwing what the work needs, or whether the machibe is on. And there ought to be enough time to fix things later, or if not needed the machine and lughrs woukd automatically turn off after a time that can be changed by the user, but momentarily and in a lasting way. And it ought to be easy and nice to see how the machine works and what it has produced and how. 

I have noticed that a woolen shirt which has some decoration like knitted holes in it, even though usually also some lifted decoarations, is surprisingly warm and comfortable to wear. Such of a thick airy? kind of plastic, is it polyester or nylon, thread has been warm in the winter under a loose windproof coat that is of somewhat stiff fabric so that there is more air inside, has been good and warm enough ln all weathers demanding a woolen shirt or so. I guess the holes in the loosely knitted fabric cause that air does not glide sideways near the skin, and so the effect is much warmer. But the last few years I have not been outdoors so long times, maybe a few hundred meters to a shop mostly. Anyway, tge solution seems good for those who tend to sweat sometimes outdoors. 

Of jungle tribes etc

 As younger I wanted to move to live close to the nature, but I did not know where in the world it would be. Later I was on some email list ...