Sunday 22 September 2024

Higher education in the Christmas gnomes / elves internet institute?

 Some 3200 advices for a Christmas gnome / elf like life

I tried counting the parageapfs in this text. In blig 3. the count was 2950, and after blog 4. some 3000. Blogs 5. and 6. added some 200 new paragrapfs or advices, and this latest blog 7. this far maybe 12 advices. So this far there are some 3200 advices in these blogs about skills for a Christmas gnome / elf like life year around, world-wide, in the modern world. 

" For the first time I wonder if this really could be some degree to study for, but on the other hand, what matters most is what one does in practice, what are one's values and quality, does one wish fairly well in the world? 


Please see 


" In the lower pile of books in Finnish, the three thick books are 1 450 pages of easy nice miracle healing advices. Mostly all these advices can ve read separately, at least if there is some forum on which to exchange info about the possibly needed background, and links & numbers of where to find each piece of text. Mostly or fully possible in the internet without any fee, if you have a computer, with (or for example a mobile phone, with) internet. The size of the pile jyst makes me wonder if some woukd like it as a degree, but I do not know who woukd arrange such, woukd it ve a kind of fake like paper made by a family member or what? And generally degrees ought to have many sources, not just one. 

" (From my blog )

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A blog post (with later addition) of Christmas angels at 

The advertisement of the old version of the Christmas gnomes / elves internet institute is at 

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For these books series, see 

You can find most of the books as free versions at , and easy nice miracle healing advices at 

If you want to start by reading about Christmas gnomes / elves, start at . (Click the link to read the blog, by clicking the picture of the page here below you can maybe read the beginning of the text.) 

Also much liked or outrageous or stunning seems the book/series "Of walking in beauty", which you can find at . Some like to start by reading the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" in the beginning of that blog.


Also liked is the book "Magnifient Views: and nice to live in", and some are eager to read the quite new book "Traditional skills have a place in the modern world" and some just want the book/blog "Wine like fascination in life". 

Many are also interested in the books "Christmas elf like work" and "Wisdom of life for Christmas elves" 1.-3., even though in the Finnish language there us just one word for Christmas gnomes and Christmas elves: "tonttu" or "joulutonttu". 

It is my impression that quite many read one or a few pieces of text of these advices each day to kind of lift the level of understanding and wisdom of life in their day and in their work, somewhat like a newsletter might do. So these texts are not meant to be studied through like achieving for points, but instead to be read according to personal interest to help in that area of life toward greater wisdom of life and happiness. And so I guess that some think it good if there are texts left still unread, since these are quite theoretical advices in learning talents and skills, and so there isn't anything new if one reads them later again, not any point in such.
 I have written longest about the skills for a Christmas gnome/ elf like life in the modern world, so I guess that some are motivated to reading about that subject for years, so maybe it would be a most interesting way to read by starting from . And read the other texts when one is interested in such. 

If you run too much to my texts, it is because I write advices in learning skills, talents and wisdom of life, while most (or all?) others in the same subjects write just stories and tales, without writing trustworthily or explaining how to learn such things in life. And so you who have read and understood some of these advices of learning skills etc, maybe because of that belong to those quite few who coukd write about such subjects without it needing to be just a story or tale. And it is important that you too woukd write something according to clmmon sense of such (for example if you recommend a link to my blog, you might write some description on that page in your own words, so there would be several persons' versions (or choices of words etc) of the rationality of feelings, etc), since these things sound like many kbew this kinds of skills and not jyst me, and so you writing something wisely coukd help to overcome a big communication problem. 
(Like I studied in the university theoretical physics, or that was the part influencing my thinking type a lot and it is an area of science that ought to understand mechanucal models and their areas of validity unusually well, but even with such a background, what individuals produce on their own, varues a lot. ) 

23rd of September 2024   If you have read these Christmas gnome / elf skills blogs ... this far, you have propably read the centermost highest pile of books in the picture. ( Some of the Christmas gnome skills books contain some other texts of mine that were on the links, but anyway that is surely less than a half of the hieght of the pile, and mostly those other texts are from the other books around the pile. ) 

The centermost pile has at least the books: 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 1.-9. 
Wisdom of life for Christmas elves 1.-3. 
(Christmas angels, which book I do not have) 
Thoughts about magic
Animals in space
Wonderful, Miracle like Beings 
Christmas elf like work
And the series Traditional culture's wisdom (of which I lack two books)

The other books are typically of subjects of which was clearly wanted a separate blog, like magnifient views, easy nice miracle healing advices, a sorcerer, poems of Eino Leino, paradise theory, feeling computers, etc. 

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About drawing an unique fine and fun diploma in a nice handwriting style 

With watercolours and drawing with the brush, keeping it in hand like a pencil, might make colours like this work out, but one must first practise a little on another paper, see 

Fine arches and curves in lettering seemed produced by a comforting state of mind helping with wisdom of life "hush little baby don't you cry", kind of offering what space for life according to feelings there was lacking from, or just liked by, the receivers, so the situation seemed to be in a too unwise environment, or the presents for much younger receivers than the writer oneself,  

I guess one could produce fine archs in handwriting by thinking of the realistical dreams one wants to express when writing, like the charm of a travel destination or some fine insights in thinking, etc, kind of adviced handwriting but freely stylized one's own way, see 

A leaf decoration might fit this subject 

I have lost my first maybe half-a-page long text in the paradise theory subject, but 
The first long text "Ihmiskunnan kohtalo ja suurten systeemien kehitys" i.e. "The fate of the human kind and the development of large systems", which started me writing about paradise theory. It is in Finnish but in the beginning a short translation to English. See 

Sometimes when some at home circles with family and teen or almost teen children, if they try something they are not good at, maybe have no experience of life of such, but just give it a good try, like when listening to national radio maybe sometimes happens. They try to figure out of each kind of thing abd maybe side in it, something really fkne and according to their greatest ability, wise in the world toi, kind of insightful, wise and fruitgul in the long run, really try to excel in it in some way. And so they produce a surprisingly fine misaic of things from different areas of life. And so they have some input for that srea of lufe too. And so they have a better abiluty to save everyday lufe situatilns so that lufe runs often well and smoothly, each one going their own ways. But it demands respecting individuality and freedom, honesty snd clmmln sense, healthy wisdom of life and wishing well in the world. 

Panda called Pyry (=blizzard) in a Finnish zoo 

My Japanese spitz dog Vaapukka 2011 (which died some years ago)

24th of Deptember 2024   Weather skills for all climates (primarily for those living there, only some suited for travelling)  

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Of jungle tribes etc

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