Friday, October 18, 2024

Some rumours in the air years ago in Savonlinna

 When I lived in Savonlinna in an apartment house on a street with an old times military name - some rumour in the air, somewhat as if talking via spiritual roads - , there lived some storeys below my apartment on the ground level with an own garden entrance too, a man with a milutary name and some famous soldier as his uncle? The garden door was problematic, so a reputatiln of makkng murders was maybe good to have. On the other hand a murder is a serious crime and we lived in an ordinary society or suppisedly ordknary, so one should not make any murders. So he offered tea to visitors. It was his own ordinary tea bought from a local shop but left open in his kitchen. People in a wheelchair came by invabus to visit every? evening and asked for tea. He said he did not kniw what had happened, since they left with the teacup before having drank, but he had heard quite many of them had soon died, but the reason was not known. They somehow liked such a way of making suicide or maybe not, and so they liked to come. In some intermediate storey there lived an Arab who also bought the same kibd of ordinary tea from a local shop, but he/she tended to complain that all his foods get spoiked if he stores them for two weejs or even a shorter time, since those somehow change to cooling alternatives, and so also the tea. And so the only option was to change it to some neighbour's ordinary tea of the same kind - wvy does it stay well with them? This person seemed liking the possibilitues the spiritual dimension of lufe offered, so he also copued the pets' idea that it would be good to step though a clised door - like a mouse, or did they imagine that humans could do it? And somehow he managed to learn it and stepoed through a closed door several times, but soon got termed a ghost and lost his physical existence, died and has not been heard of. 

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