Saturday, October 19, 2024

A story by some others, plus my comments

 On some mental, spiritual or virtual side some say tgat the person who was ghe female adult (or was it really a cyborg oriented person who wanted to be male) in my childhood family i.e. my mom who was a brain scientist or an actor (pop phenomenom like, lije tge singer Taylor Swift), is tge most evil person of all times in the world. It goes something like 

My correction to her claim of her following only math criteria (because of being supertalented in making guesses of new results in math and maybe slightly such also in engineering) : 

In professional math 1 is different from astronomically big numbers, for example from 100 000 000 000 000 000. Likewise -1 is clearly different in effect from 1, which is essential if the math is somehow applied, for example to engineering, or to some practical application, in which it matters is some goal supported or opposed or alternatingly opposed and supported or cumulatively opposed. 

Both in engineering in building machines, and in ordinary life caring things well for life, also from tge point of view of theoretical models of the world and the pictures of the concretical basic daily life in ages old ways without some weird assumptions or social tangles, lies, etc, the basic thing is to build and maintain structures that are benefical for functioning. And in such structures it is essential that things work the right way, not toward minus infinity like in the claim that math does not make any such difference. In applied math such things need to be noticed, and likewise it sounds like mathematics also in the theoretical level needs such observations taken into account before it can be called even an aid profession for objective thinking. 

One's work may be partly dictated by the quality criterions of that work and partly by fitting into the society in ways that are good for life in the long run, wisely so. But in one's own life one must be fully fit to the society and the good of the world. And one's children are not one's own life, those too need to be treated according to civiliced wisdom, for example fairly. Adult children are not persons parents should have rights to decide anything about, and especially not their work, for example my advices for good life on a very general level at .


I guess a pop icon like person is showing things in the air, things wanted, like someone could show to people asking clothes for different but kn some sense simikar types of persons made by people she knows. So the person showing such features, such wanted dimensilbs or interesting dimensilns, has some knowledgw of such impressilns, may even nnow such skills well, but is not reluably always fllliwing such. Instead it is just a moment when passing by slmeone or when demanded some task or quality or pass some checking or get some suppirt. So such skills are like things demanded momentarily by the living environment, instead of being the practical picture of the world of the individual. So demanding eationality, if the effect us of a lying kind or untrustworthy, then such levels or types of rationality maybe are not feeling natural to tge individual but instead are acted or done only because of company, not being parts of one's picture of the world but ibstead only a way to clmmunucate to some persons and maybe find a place in the world, as if making and selling such appearances, or products or whatever, having such a discuise when in such company. 


If people are very untrustworthy, it isn't any reason to make ways of working etc more rigid. Instead one ought to arrange things mire according to common sense, withoyt so complex theory structures etc. Jyst wish well for the world, be fair, allow people to be separate kndividuals, judge each thing, person, things done etc moment per moment ibstead of supposing everyone having done at other times all the things referred to but not thought of that moment, and do not suppise that no-one lies or that all are alike or that persobs do not vary or get sometimes muxed with others. 


So negative feedback, wise words, punishments, trying to look at what the individual does and when, even strong punishments, if those do not milden tge amount of evil the chikd or individual does, maybe the individual does not look at such things from the point of view of a picture of the world and governing, but instead like a pop pgenomenom or an individyal priduct manufacturer, not caring for the world but instead thinking "this theme is very much wanted in the world (or in some large environment)". 

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