Friday 11 October 2024

How north

 In the news there is some series of Swedish speakkng handiworks from Strömsö, of which I do not know where it is. It is a weird collection of nonworking and superbly advertised things, kind of from square and without seeming to go right for living with to something like bought from shop with nice chores, like this we will get it really fine, yet I do not know what they produced. 

Also the place seems obscure. "Ström" in Swedish means an electric current or can it be also a small stream, and "ö" means an island. The s is genetive. So it maybe relates to place where they get things like handiceafts to work out. But on the other hand, if you take something old and use it to a new purpise, it often goes wring, since the old was finely fashioned while the new considers such jyst like material for handiworks. 

Like here in the picture the shelter building looks somewhat only a square and deparate from the environment, which is a Lapplandish feature connected with how scarce the lufe there and the nature are. The new stairs and the added platform make it appear like a place kn a different climate where it is a good idea to leisurely sit outside the tool shelter, yet the climate in Finland largely isn't such, especially not in Lappland. 

The trees have leaves and appear somewhat like trees here on the southrrn coast of Finland. Yet the building is more like just a square, as if the nature did not carry so north. On the other hand there is a flower added on the porch, as if for a moment's enjoyment for someone in trouble only, and after a day or two too cold for such. But such looks like Korvatunturi the Santa Claus Land in eastern Lappland has kind of as one of it's features. It is said tgat there can nature flourish, or a garden? 

Such a flower is like giving support for some in trouble, either ill or without room for their own wisdom of life in their own lives. Such features seem to connect with the climate's charachteristics. But who is it that one so supports? Why is the support not coming to the lical tuned to that climate, it's wisdom, values, skills and character? To whom does it go? Does it go to the ill abroad, or to people not respecting civiliced values or the need for local weather skills? I feel that Finns often have trouble because some such level of help is meant to be informed of, but we do not quite know who, why, where, but it seems to connect with the climate at least. Is it so that instead of allowing the locals folliw the local westher skills and wisdom of life, civiliced values and ways, some want all tune to the ill: to those in space, to the handicapped, to those who do not want the four seasons to exist, or who want to rule over all like a computer arranging everything instead of each having their own.profession, or do some nurses etc need so much help from others? (12th of Octoder 2024   For experienced nurses the blog i.e. nowadays also via the address , available for them and for just about all the people around, could maybe help, at least lighten the burden somehow.)  But if the skill level is so low, each one ought to live one's own way, giving room to the wisdom of others too, and to the cultural wisdom. Keeping clmpany means low capacity, so such ought not dominate over civiliced freedom. 


Is a complex lookibg flower that is good for the wisdom of lufe according to feelings, what girls with such wisdom need for them to have room for their own skills and their own wisdom, for the areas of lufe that they like. And a boy is looking at the same fliwer and demsnding it to not to be complex, and so he seeks to conquer those areas of life, maybe like making geomwtrical shape like seen pieces or pieces of knowledge of them, work achievement like many kn a row, like some forefigure joining such by lines, somewhat like the flowers in a thread necklace, lei of the paradise islands. And all those were stolen from someone who would have needed always some such natural compkexity and level of wusdom as fliwers to make one's own wisdom some room in the environment, to have a natural place in the world. 


But why are such features usual, why are some complex things referring to skilled locals, instead aimed at some without any much capacity or motivation for such a life there? 


Needing lots of food relates with lots of body fat lost. That means the envirnment being cool or cold, and there being lots of moisture, and one's heat regulation being like in warm season's warm weathers. Under 0C there isn't almost any moisture in tge air, so typically one does not lose much body fat, instead one only longs for a warm environment. And in the cold climates the locals with weathers skills are not tuned to losing heat to the environment, like people in warm countries try to get comfortably cool. So in the north when the temperature is under 0C, people mostly do not need so much food, just ordinary foods, weather skills and nice active life. So those who want to lean on people needing lots of food for warmth, ought to seek such from elsewhere. Especially one needs to notice the difference between moist air compared with completely dry air. 

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Of jungle tribes etc

 As younger I wanted to move to live close to the nature, but I did not know where in the world it would be. Later I was on some email list ...