Monday 30 September 2024

Of making music instruments

 I found a video of an ape playing guitar beautifully and skilledly 

It made me think could also small animals like rats and mice play some such instruments of their size, and of how they or humans coukd make such. 

I came to think of a round hard half a vegetable, nut, wood or plastic surface which makes nicely sound when clanged or somehow gotten to vibrate, maybe via a string near it or by singkng to it. Of such one would know the style of the sound of the instrument. Of nylln lne coukd get strkngs of different thickness, attach them like guitsr's etc strings to a long piece of wood or the like, adjusting the lenghts and thickness and tensions so that their sound woukd be of a similar height and sound. There maybe is some part of the strings producing sound so that jydt it woukd sing nicely upon the holliw of the instrument, so one woukd need a flat or slightly round cover of the same material as the round hollow singing part, and it ought to sing kn a similar way and have a round hole upon which to attach the nucely singing part of the strings. So it woukd be guitar like but with round hollow part. 

See the text A78. about a harmonical choir at .

A new high house in Leppävaara in Espoo

 " 30th of September 2024   

   I took a picture of a quite new high house seen from my window. If such connects with me having written at lenght about the skills for a Christmas gnome or elf like life in the modern world, year around world-wide, see and , or possible miracle healing advices, see and , it means that I cannot in the near future move to any small town. But on the other hand, advices in learning skills are often interesting the first time that one reads them, but later there is no point in reading such, just boring, nothing new. It is also so that people seldom learn such from seeing me or associating with me. So by reading one learns much better, also the easy nice miracle healing advices are so much easier and much quicker to learn. Only sometimes some other Finns momentarily learn from me weather skills, like I too from people around every now and then. "


But if one wants to visit some such place or move to live there, it can be dangerous since such are difficult to check: 

People needing miracle healing may have just died or one heard of some awful wound or whatever without anyone wondering why there would be such there or even paying attention to the danger. Yet there are almost no ordinary dog breeds here, mostly only bulterriers on a walk. But the miracle healing advices have had a good atmosphere here. 

 Similarly if someone is interested in Christmas gnomes, where did the previous people passing by and interested in Christmas gnomes go, who knows if half of them disappeared? Was it possible to get new people to such a tourist attraction? 

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5th of October 2024   If people come to live near some writer, in some town area with nature, maybe it is partly because they do not know where they could live, and so they move to live where at least are some life possibilities left and like-minded people. 

Such a lack of life possibilities maybe relates with the values of the people in one's social environment not carrying one's life well enough, for example they thinking that some things needed in life belong to times past or to some groups only, for example to themselves only. 

The ordinary well working solution to such is to be a center of recovery for the world, so even if people around do not invest in so wise values, you yourself ought to follow beautiful values in the wide world, wishing fairly well for all in the world, living in good basic ways of living with common sense and wisdom of life, 

so that if others too think something such a good idea, they together would be bringing the world toward better life possibilities, better future for the world, better life for the individuals, in ways that vary from person to person, instead of all living as if in some rigid theory perspective that is not wise enough. 

Who can make a home nice with status too

 I was wondering, if I coukd start having a handiwork hobby. But it was in the air that someone would lije status like these texts of mine plus handiworks fitting such. But the writer has just written down some notes, that is no fine style, and that is not a style that others would like to have. But instead someone with a hobby like interest in the subjects of some book of mine, and who understands such things and about making indoors nice, some wisdom of life, etc could for some similarly inclined have a style that would suit their home if such a person was good at making handiworks, I guess. 

Sunday 29 September 2024

Of differencies in skills and values

 In the news there was an awful story of an is it Argentinan woman claiming others or Swedish being kind of handicapoed compared to Finns because of not being up to some tasks in the modern world. She seemed to see it as an unfair difference in position, in rights to influence things, and a reason to beat badly Finns, maybe make peopke handicapped. So I guess I will try to expkain what intellugence and skilks are, whst values matter, what righrs are based on, etc. 

Swedes have different valyes from the Finnish culture. That means that they aim at different things. Especially the things diligently folliwed alwsys in everything for rens of years witvout ever neglectkng them badly differ a lot, and so in practice peopke develop in different skills, and so the difference in those skilks beclnes really big, and it is essentially a matter of what one aims at and of long time oractiskng. And like obe can see from this, mist Finns are not the best of the world in such skilks, instead they are just some Finns, who though were forced to go to school and study there years and years.  And that is very different from coming from another kibd of background, without such skilks as values, and then just trying to assume the social position of the best of the world in such skills without even trying to folliw such skills. 

So maybe some Swede wonders, why do not Swedes have the same feedback as Finbs? Because Swedes invest in other skills and valyes than the traditional Finnish culture, the Swedish in some position do not bring the same quality, not even as much fair play as the traditional Finnish culture, and so the reaction is different, and so often the right differ. But such does not always go right. Many times Swedes claim to do semethinh well abd get some position lije Finns doibg such, but afterwards the society is jyst destroyed, because the Swedish did not take care of lufe continuing fairly well for such wide groups if people. 

Often peopke complain about being called stupid, but usually it is a kind of theater pkay like thibg of the person claimed stupid, since others use such word when the person is more stupud than the same person ordinarily, but sonehow the persob likes the term, as if getting position via it, and so it often means the person taking such tjings and such skill level as goals, instead of usibg one's ordinary much better skill level. Anyway, if there is a skill diffetence between people, the goals of those people are usually likewise different, even though ways of living, lufe circumstancies and chouces regarding them are an essential part of these goals. So typically someone complainkng about being too stupud relates to that person aiming at goals that often are opposite to such achievements or do not suppirt them at all. And often it is that high achievements are tool like specialuzatiln to somethkng, instead of comfortable social life. Sonetimes some ask for school like intellect, but instead of their own level's teacher they search something, like arts for example, ir wisdom of the elderly, suited for those who themselves folliw good quality objectivity always, and so as their goal is either social positiln, or lying, or comfortable things to do or appearing fllliwing feelings, or so instead of the learning they claimed to be reaching for. Anyway, often skilks do not need to be kn a form suited for all, so mostly people do have lits of skills but not in just school like point of view's mist advices chouces of values etc, but instead in cunning, lying, making murders, attacking socially and otherwise, lazying, etc. 

Of rotten in the tropics?

 I do not remember from where, but I yesterday got the i.pression that somewhere in the warmer countries, maybe in the tropics, where things tend to get rotten. If one is not feeling ill because of the rotten, one maybe thinks of it as the remains of a quite nice lufe that used to be there, somewhat like somewhat soft green leaves slmewhere in shadow maybe exist without being the centers of attentiln. It was somebody's good life which though ended some whiles ago, but still somewhat deserves it's place there. 

But things that make one feel ill, are I guess often best cleaned away. But feeling ill is often also a consequence of having partially trued to clean something away, so that there are like stripes of new scratch like and remains of tge atmosphere of the old lufe there but in a so disturbed space that it is difficukt to discern right, what it was. So I feel that washing several times with a mild detergent or only with water is better for atmosphere, than trying to wash with a strong detergent as if by scracthing without having the strenght or tools to jyst clean well the whole thkng like is goid for life. 

Here in southern Finland nothing much gets rotten. It just gets frozen during the winter months. 

Of the uninhabitability of the tundra etc

 Continuing from 

I have lived most of my life in Helsinki in the southern Finland, and some years slso in this neighbouring town Espoo. I have not been able to travel in the Lappland, even though when I was a child many guessed that some very northern area might suit me. In under school age my mom guessed that northern Russia might suit me, since there people have traditionally needed to do things with good quality, but I like the trees and flourishing nature, so as far south as possible without lazying suits me. In school age some guessed that reindeer herding life in the Fknnish Lappland might suit me, but it turned out that the Lapplandish are not at all as much for healthy ways of living as people in southern Finland, and so Lappland was not at all like it's reputation. 

I have been to Lappland two times that I remember. Once was with our school class on a bus winter time. It was said to be -10C to -15C outdoors so that most had well experience of skiing in such weathers. But it did not go at all like planned. When the bus came there via some ooened road, there were not things well in sight like usually in winter time. Instead all was kind of shades of white without really seeing well what was what. So I wondered coukd it be that the school's religion teacher like woman we had seen walking there just a few tens of neters before, had some problems with eyesight when snowy plus lights, since she looked such, since such is typical for the unexperienced. But the adults said she was the religioys one not so borne to frostbites, so they forced the few boys exoerienced in skiing to copy from her as they went ourdoors, and in obe or rwo minutes they said the boys had gotten frostbites since it really was an unwise women in such skills of bodily heat regukation etc, and so the boys were likely to loose body parts and maybe die, and so they had to come in - or shoukd have been allowed to try on their own. As I was maybe a meter or two from the outdoor, I become dizxy, could not see in front of me, and so I stayed in the bus and my eyesight recovered only when in southern Finland or was it when a new bus driver from Savo somewhere in the central Finland. There was some eskimo influence someone put via some spiritual or social ways, which I did not nanage to bear, since usually I cannot bear influencies from others dominating instead of me making my own versions of things, especially being able to use my own skilks fully. 

Was 10 to 20 years later I trued attebding a wilderness guide course in the Lappland (in Saariselkä, but I had had an atheistical upbringing, it was just that some priest? wanted to know if the basic school like level was there ok, since they seemed getting too much influencies from other places, often abroad, which were not good enough), but when the bus arrived there were just a few houses and grass. The man there said they had cut down all the trees since some like more frassy, but the trees never grew back. I wondered how coukd such be wildlife oriented life, since it sounded the opposite. They had promised warm blankets etc for the night, but I had as a sleeping place a storege shelter like wooden building without heating or window or any other blanket than some bed decoration cover which was much too thin. So I did not sleep well at all, instead I wondered did they mean to murder me so. In the morning we left for canoibg, but kbstead of nature scenes it was a wide straight ditch like river without even geasses in sight, only small stones (soraa tai sepeliä, ei edes rantakiviä). Then some time much later it curved and was more natural, but I was too tired and my pair drank alcohol too much, so we were left far behind the others. Then there came small rapuds in the river and we had some problems because we were both too slow. But somehow we got to theshore with the others and went some way to camp there for a while, but they seemed like they might murder me, so there came two large sbakes like wheels (since such foes not make them cold) and I maybe was rescued so, or then I was killed there, but anyway that ended that wilderness guide course for me, it was not good enpugh. 

So these experiences about Lappland (or coukd it have been Alaska, and later Canada), seem yo be such that ordinarily well working areangements for even just arriving tourists which seems like their most advertised major source of income, were not taken care according yo the ordinarily well working basic level needed. Like with the school class, the roads had been partly ooened from snow so that it was not in sight for the driver where the road was. Or that the helpers were worse in winter skills than the newcomer schoolkids, and so I wonder, was it told wrong where in Lappland the place was, wss it much more northern than said, for example Ivalo or Kittilä from where one of the boys maybe originally was. And rwally a wilderness guide course without nature, without warm blankets, etc  is not good enough quality. 


Of those who like to wander in Lappland in the summer time, I have the imoression that they wander a little bit lije one asking the route, kind of keeping humans as central poibts and then there are curved lines in beyween as routes, abd some of them as central poibts of attention like some skilled one kn some profession. And so it is a little bit like the unskilled asking for advice in curing sone disease, and then following just such, instead of living the lufe fully. So it is instead of understanding much about lufe, or such are the social ways. Such are very different from the landscape lije school taught picture of the world with senses open and healthy wisdom of life, allowing room to live in also for other tyoes of people .

Such resembles the old descriptions of Tuonela, a place where ghe dead live, on the other side of Tounelan joki, the river of the deads' zone.  Of ut too pictures are as if of a grey twilught like light, people searching for something in the ground, is it like in the spring when snow has melted but there is not yet green grasses. And there too the sovial relations ate narked but lufe lived along similar technical curved lines, is it the area of scarce life, like via education witjout senses open, without landscape like view other than like in stomach pain.  


For example I some day lately found this course with nice pictures, but yesterday I got some Lapplandish social influence from it and got just ill, so I had to remove the bookmark, and so even the Santa Claus Lands in the Lappland seem too impossible for me to travel in, without me really noticing what goes wrong, I guess I am just of a too different human type, better suited to some other places. 

Saturday 28 September 2024

Where one can live a Christmas gnome or elf like life

 My Christmas gnome skills books seek to teach skills for living a Christmas gnome or elf like life in the modern world, year around, world-wide. The basic advice is a dream job or a job that you sincerely like, and to live in a town that you like. So the main advice is to live according to basic civiliced values and wisdom of life and inside that framework choose according to your own likings, area of comfortability, dreams etc what to do and where to live. So the society and your values and skills create the most of it, and my texts just add some hints about skills etc. 

The towns etc are different, life there has different realitues, partly because of the different professions suiting there emphasize diffetent things, and so if you like such professions, maybe you like many things that the area offers. Likewise there are other factors affecting life a lot, like the climate therd, what kind of spirit in living it creates and requires, does it affect skills, wisdom of life, ways of living, the type of charm there, what is nice to do and what not. Especially it is important to notice the type of major stimuli all the time there, like in Finland ghe dense of sight, thinking with landscape like views, healthy wisdom of life, liking for music and nature, lots of variation, individualistic, etc. Those who want less eyesight oriented life ought to move to much warmer climate zones. 

If one thinks of the charm of countryside life, that too can be of many different kinds, like some climates favor some types of social life, while elsewhere such social life does not seem to work out happily or nicely, since for example cold or warmth create different social atmospheres, endurancy, level and type of wisdom, different typical wishes, etc. Likewise ways of doing depend on the climate and on typical forefigures possible in that area, like for example the charm of traditional life, certain professions, fine things bought, people met, things associated with, etc. So if you like such of a certain place, it could be a good place for you to live in, wvile some other place somehow would not be such. 

Anyway, if you mostly buy from local shops, it matters a lot which professions, types of valyed ways of living, etc are most typical to them. Likewise the books in public librarues depend on the town one lives in. 

Global point of view, but spiritual and practical applications only by the locals

 These texts of mine are from a global point of view, and ought to be all on a so general level that you undwrstand them in your own liked living environment better than by travelling to Finland. And so the area I write to is much too large for any spiritual or other extra support from me or from Finnish church etc, for example no influencies from me, since I am too different, so all would prefer somebody else's influences instead of mine. And anyway, such is climate dependent etc. The main point in these advices has been to offer possibilities to better life according to civiluced wusdom, which ought to be basic school plus a civiliced society i.e. civiliced values and wise enough. And so these advices for better spirit or atmosphere, doing lijed and valued things and having so a place in the both local and world-wide environment, coukd create relugion lije oeacwful good circumstancies for lufe, good happier life, but so by your local environment, instead of by ibflyencues from far away. If you want some idea, where I am from, a good encyclopedia with a few pictures, like some few pictures of the whole Andian mountains in central and South America could give one some idea, a glimose of lufe there, without artificially tying these far away places to your life. So not so much info is better for this kind of cultural communication. But many other sources of course are much more local, for example some area of your own country. 

In today news there was a picture of a fire in Rovaniemi in the Finnish Lappland, but even though the house might have been there somewhere, the smoke and atmosphere resembled those in Helsinki or in the capital district, for examole there are white low houses in southern Espoo, or have been, but on the other hand in Lappland peopke are more concentrated in safeguarding warm indoors or in old wooden buildings feel the ourdoors moist? 

the smoke and atmosphere resembled those in Helsinki 

"There it spreads smoke, (and spreads smoke,...)", "Siinähän tupruttaa." would my father have said of such. 

"tupa"= old time's cottage home, "rutsaus"= too close (sexual or too much like sexual) relations between family members, "tupruttaa"= smoke coming from some fireplace or the like, for example from the roof pipe of a house

So it is an expression referring to a work like long lasting thing done like some enthusiastic hobby or endesvour of someone, but this word referring primarily to a fire in a fireplace producing smoke, like someone doing some work endlessly by the scale of others near by for example gardening, but not taking part in the other work/hobby, like sitting around a fireplace for example. 

Maybe in a cold climate where you cannot spend so libg outdoors in garden/yard chores, you maybe go out because you feel like needing fresh air, space to live in, see birds and nature and some people also doing a little bit chores outdoors in their own gardens. And then you get cool or cold and go in, saying that it was cold outdoirs, had to get in to get warm, indoors' warmth is nice for a chance, but one would not lije it for so long times, better to go out every now and then, feel the weather, see what others are doing, would there be any nice idea of what to do, is the weather good for being ourdoors with children, for example children gliding down a hill by a sledge, or to show them something of how the saesons and their weathers affect the garden's nature, or some house chores thaat the children would like to learn. 


This what I told is from southern Finland, from the capital. I am not social in the Lapplandish way. I cannot live or travel there. It is at the northern edge if the inhabited areas just because most people cannot live there, and the same with animals and plants: only a few survive and stay alive, and the reason isn't fully known, all just cannot live there an ok normal life, but instead many die, they just somehow could not bear it, even though they tried and others too thought that they coukd well live there. 

Friday 27 September 2024

A new booklet/ ebook "Trying to solve global warming"

 Ebook (with instant download and unlimited copying allowed) 

Or as a free blog link at 

Oil or remains of rottening waste etc but sold!

 "  I just have wondered of new ecological energy forms, like storing Arab desert's sun energy via some maybe possible bioligical process or a chemical reaction for example in dark coloured containers in the sun. Or maybe Arabs etc invented a long time ago a way to get rid of rottening corpses and other bioligical waste, and managed maybe produce so oil, which they sold for heating and for traffic etc. 


Thursday 26 September 2024

Of life under social pressure

 The basic civiliced wisdom is thought to be useful for all in just about all kinds of circumstancies. Of Finnish wisdom of lufe the rule "Live and let others live", see F60. at , is usually a good solutiln to all social contact, i.e. to associating with humans, animals and/or other beings, but it needs you to be so considerate fairly toward all possible beings, and not only toward those present. 

Likewise, if you are young and have differentviews and values from your near social environment, it is often possible as young learn and folliw basic civiluced picture of the world and civiluced values, plus learn skills for life, and only as older change to one's dream profession, culture, etc, but in that too one ought to folliw civiluced values, be fair, and so as ypung learn about basic skilks anyway needed by all, instead of aiming at some professiln without caring that one's choices woukd be well for the world. And in folliwing cuviluced values one should have common sense and healthy wisdom of lufe, so that one will not make emergency arramgements to achievd points or to get sone benefit or to appear like ordinary skills such level of quality. One should understand what is the idea of basic skills, even if that means trying one's best and being honest when others do not have it so hard  

As older it may hapoen that some kniw too much, and so they are kind of bored, outsude taking part even thpugh present, and so there may be communication gaps of who did what why. And so instead of such a flat perspective one ought to use a basic perspective shared by all or most, like a vasic pictyre of the world "street, houses, trees, cars, people, weather, etc", and so according clmmln sense, estimate each situatiln separately, taking into acvount the wide picture of the world, but trying yo get the basic level function sll right from moment to moment, even if people may have been recognized wrong, etc, so each one ought jyst live their own life in peace, not mess with the lives of others. 

Today 6 years since I translated the first Christmas gnome text to English and saw an elderly gnome like man

 To day is 6 years from the day when I started (A2. - A5.) this seemingly endless Christmas gnome / elf skills text, by translating the first text, which was in Finnish, to English and posted it into my blog . Right afterwards, when I went to the bus stop, I saw an elderly gnome like man. 


I do not know if it connects with these advices about skilks for a Christmas gnome / elf like life in the modern world, year around, world-wide, but it somehow sounds like the same motivation. But the news say that quite many of the fox blankets for new-born babies in Tampere used to get stolen, but now it is possible to buy such blankets for babies. 

(I think I remember my study pals in theoretical physics in the university having said over 20 years ago, that they had liked such a baby blanket when they saw it, and that it is always liked by very many and that it is some old favourite type choice which comes again and again after years, and that they have ordered it for some people that they know, so that they would advertise it, and that it is the reason why many read my texts, and so there is no way of throwing such a picture away. ) 

(If you are interested in nice fabrics, at least sells such in the internet.) 

See also 

Narrow professionals do not usually suit as forefigures in following professional skills

 26th of September 2024   It is typical for people with narrow academical profession like some math like, that they may folliw the knowledge of their own profession but not any wider civiluced wisdom and may use their academical thinking ability to produce errors on purpise, since they kibd of think that other professions and other types of peopke produce mostly only nonsense. So one cannot use such professions as forefigures in applyibg academixal thinking, for example rough classifications, rough size estimates, estimates of the effects of those differencies, etc, since mostly they do not aim at getting them right, but instead have fun in producing outeageous errors, and so their communucation too often usn't clear enough for peopke with a different background. 

So for example many academically educated may classify all Christmas gnome/elf texts as nonsense or mostly to random classifications or to just something dizzy for example, instead of classifying (honestly) just the text in question. 

Wednesday 25 September 2024

A new book/ebook

 A new book/ebook of this blog and the previous, "Of softening and lots of thinking" 

As an ebook at 

Wisdom, law and lied rules

 There is a famous painting of a maiden with a law book in her hands and a great eagle stealing it away from her. It is somewhat problematic to think of, since it is ok for great wisdom to rule, even above law, for example folliwing the rule "Live and let others live" plus common sense and wisdom of life, with good quality, is often ok. But if the eagle symbolises a criminal  trying to disturb the possibilitues for ordinary basic life, then such us a problem. And if then there is some too poor version of law but lied as something that ought to rule, then there is the danger of the wise great eagle being lied to be a criminal, so the whole thing demands some social eye and paying attention to what is what and what is wise in the world. 

This was brought to my mind by the song Forbidden games, which I used to like, but of which others seem to produce awfully criminal versilns. It is good to not to be overly stuck to one's chilhood's socisl circles but instead find a job that suits oneself, and that means on relying on civiluced wisdom, on folliwing beautiful values and common sense plus wisdom of life, instead of being stuck to the childhood environment's professions, skill levels, likings etc. 

"I have not been given the right to ask for your hand (i.e. marry you /get such a job /area of life), I was building a hut for dreams that wind swept away, now the wind makes me so cold. When I see a dream I love, when I love according to my heart's voice in a healthy way for the world, I know (in the eyes of my chikdhood environment) it is just a forbidden game. All know that you belong to another, when to another you give happiness I can bear it, if I get you secretly to the promised game, you (that area of life/job) are a part of my dreams (of what I feel to be right, well for the world)

Of autumn and early winter weathers

 I came to think that some being nasty may relate with them not liking the autumn and early winter weathers. 

Autumn weathers demand that one is aware of that it can be wet, and weathers cooler or colder and wind too, and that in the autumn trees' leaves get their autumn colours and fall, leaving the landscape scarce and the colours of wet things often darker, less bright, more like pastel shades, demanding looking at, and of winter weathers one needs to be aware of that one needs to safeguard oneself against skin or other body parts freezing. 

But anyway, autumn weathers as an experience partly rely on indoors being warm and on one being aware of the amounts of contrasts between indoors and outdoors and of the amount of variations in such too due to variations in weathers and the lenght of staying outdoors. Such contrasts compare often with colours and materials. To autumn seems to suit dark brown basket made the ordinary way is it from roots or from slender young tree branches of some kind?, plus next to it some soft maybe furry fabric of somewhat wise aunt like colours, for example some reddish colour, lila? And together with them, (already ready) for early winter I guess a blanket with quite bright red and white as colours. But on the other hand the autumn is not yet that far here, so I do not know for sure. 

(The old orange shirt is from Helsinki, the blanket of red and white from Espoo, and the mammoth from WeeGee museum in Espoo , and the brown basket from Savonlinna market place. ) 

What writing about Christmas gnome/elf skills feels like as a task

 I found a video called "Worst failures of this week" or somethkng of the kind, see 


As I had posted the above video link and watched some of it again, I went to read the internet news, and there was a picture of the Finland's parlament building's pilars havibg been painted red. At first I wondered at what was such, and was it an attack agaibst politicians, or the claimed reason opposing lifting swamp soil, did it refer also to these texts of mine or was it a new situation created by the text "As if of a naturally healthy family" at i.e. . 

But then I came to wonder, did it refer to the Carelian song lands of old times or what there is old times like left, having been in the eyes of some abroad, maybe the squarely thinking Swedish, quite defenceless against attacks, like is in a sense some atmosphere there or kn Finland, and on the other hand things peaceful for jyst Finland as if we had it easier.

I have wondered, I have been 15 years without any summer cottage visit, so how woukd such go for me, and how do situations usually go? If somelne fits somewhere, lufe continyes there well in the long run with that person left fairly in peace and fairly sovereign, then such a person is somehow suppirted by opinions of the wise also from further away. And to be wuse and to ve a suppirt foe the large environment, one needs to have a wide view and in it an understanding og many things, and so many encounters go via taöking, via kniwing what it is about, and so quite many times there have been ratilnal clmmonly agreed courses to take, areangements. Some suiting there, others not, often solves quite much of how to arrange things. And while many guess an unsensitive attack to win, on the other hand, understanding at least 1 000fold amount of things to take into account, also creates some advantage, and so ofyen things continue quite peacefully without the attackers knowing why or how just such, but on the other hand every now and then there are failures, and one jyst notices, ouch I shoukd tried better and oaid attention in this too. I do not know, such a mess, but with the weathers maybe people have such charachters that things go so. 

I watched some video of those painting the pilars with red paint? from fire extinguisher cans. Those painted quite high as if over the parlament. I wondered what such a view of what people want could be, do some singers understand so the wishes of masses? Ordinarily one wants to affect just some questions but leave the basic idea of the institution valid and unaltered. But for one who seeks for power to influence things, my texts at would be useful to read. 

Whom does a piece of art or a famous invention give room to live in

 I have thought that a famous book or an invention that is still much needed and valued, I thought such might give the inventor or artist or the like a long life, like the Moomin books to Tove Jansson for example. But as I have wondered about the effect of my own books in my own life, those are just some observations that I have happened to make and written them down vecause some others were interested in reading such or getting to know such things. So for me thise mostly do not create any new room to live in. On the other hand if an invention or some piece of art is much valued and is the hobby like interwdt of some, of quite many, it creates room in the society for that kinds of people or that kinds of hobbies. So such an effect there ought to be for a long time, even if some others would hsve more skills in those subjects. 

Only a little while or always

 I have the impression that very many problems in these modern times are consequences of some basic mechanical rationality and basic kind of philosophical classifications lacking from what people do, how they estimate what one can do and what not, what is wise enough in the world. Like is there in practice something really lot or only a short while, and what such a difference affects the quality of things dobe and how such makes sense in obe's lufe as a whole, is it balancedly enough, and what such choices affect kn the world at large, and did one's values and goals in practical situatilns change and how. 

People doing something too long typically get tired. So when a short while outdoors like feels pleasant may be good for many or even all, longer periodsoutdoors need some endurancy, skills, mitivation, an emotional wish for such, or they tire, attention starts to neglect things and the person just dreams of going indoors, like one in stlmach oain hurries to toilet, but outdoors it seldom is pain, instead on just woukd feel the indoors more comfortable. So thise who spend most time outdoors, may many be squarely tjinking, while those who mist enjoy the beauty of nature are often a different group. 

26th of September 2024   It is typical for people with narrow academical profession like some math like, that they may folliw the knowledge of their own profession but not any wider civiluced wisdom and may use their academical thinking ability to produce errors on purpise, since they kibd of think that other professions and other types of peopke produce mostly only nonsense. So one cannot use such professions as forefigures in applyibg academixal thinking, for example rough classifications, rough size estimates, estimates of the effects of those differencies, etc, since mostly they do not aim at getting them right, but instead have fun in producing outeageous errors, and so their communucation too often usn't clear enough for peopke with a different background. 

Tuesday 24 September 2024

Of the Forest Finns

 The Forest Finns as a subject often brings the wish to spend time in the nature. Like with the Green mivement, such is partly related to not feeling well in town, even though there are other motivatilns for time in bature too. About feeling well in town, see .

See also my blog , maybe especially my blog .

The Forest Finns are valued for good quality objectivity and healthy wisdom of life. 

Old times in Finland are a subject that often interests other cultures too, even people from the tropics. So they tend to compare it with a cold weather and suppose that one ought to eat a lot. But in the old times Finns were used to the weathers that they had, so they did not eat unusually much. And since these northern areas wete largely uninhabitet because of the growing season of plants being short and so the areas not so very productive in agriculture, and so likewise there were not so many animals to hunt and not many people met and so seldom anyone killed, and so there was only some plant-based food, only a little bit of meat, I have heard that ordinarily there was only on Thursdays "hernekeitto" what is it called round ball like green bean related food plant seeds, a soup of them abd in it varying amounts (never really lot) small pieces of sliced pork? And no other meat except in Christmas table pork. But there was also milk, butter, and I guess chicken's eggs too, from which to cook food. Anyway, the weather was often kind of a phenomenom that demanded much of taking into account, and so instead of vua foods especially, it was mostly taken into account via wisdom of lufe and wisdom in the world st large, for example via high culture but valuing good quality instead of job position etc. 

Anyway, many who think of the past ages in Finland, tend to neglect good quality, fair play, honesty, wisdom, civiliced values, wisdom of lufe, etc, and jyst try to dominate like a person without energy for detailed observatilns, so without taking things inyo account honestly, just byoasses and eats something and discusses with others in the table or about other prioritues of theirs, and so they kind of dominate over the situation as if there were only a few peopke interested in the ancient Finns. If that is influence from the old times, it is not like the imoressions of Finnish culture countryside, so mayve ordinary Finns did changw groups, travel to places they liked and admired, etc, abd only in tiwbs were they so stuck abd fed up, kind if arguing with family memvers egc. Old Finnish tales at least tell of young Finns travelling to find their fortune and hsppiness. 

But for example Lönnrot who collected the poems of Kalevala, was of another more town-oriented culture i.e. Swedish speaking, as far as I know. 

Anyway, even people liking the tropics but interested in Forest Finns, may mean they would prefer people eating a lot, and so such shoukd be their own feature, for example eat pieces of cool bakery with lots of butter on them, instead of demanding it from others, but maybe such comes via some spiritual connection, kind of knowing who all, what kibds of people are interested in the subject, which in a way is a question of in which country one wants to live. 

Would you understand if you thought of the Finnish ways of living as someone, maybe academically oriented, who travelled too far for most to the almost-desert i.e. too cold for life to flourish tgere, but took it as an interest kn the plants, etc there, kind of "Let's see what we can learn from these small plants' wisdom of how to survive here." And took it as a task to live wisely, learn wisdom of lufe so, instead of relying on buikd things overly much, instead ofcstaying clise to buildings and relying on tools overly much. 

And so it is not necessariky one's own children who value such life. Instead the children may have other values and other cultural likings, and would like to move away to those coubtries but somehow don't do so, and I do not nnow why, since in these modern tines many have moved to Finland like to a job that one likes and a place that one personally likes, and so their chikdren may be naturally ibclined to sone other climate zone, place or culture and type of wisdom of lufe. 

Monday 23 September 2024

Three birds

 If a pet or some other animals wants it's view heard by humans, it of course may oneself or it's animal friends have good communication skills with humans. But the singing birds living in the near by trees usually have good communicatiln skills, good understanding and a positive attitude. It matters though on which side of the house the bird lives, since from some other side it often does not see or hear the happenings, and likewise of other birds there, and especially the rythm of the day may be different depending which time of the day sun shines there. Different types of individuals muve in different trees. A lazying kind of bird may want a sunny place, a kind of at the edge or paying attentiln to making detailed typed of differencies of where one is each moment, may want to live at the edge of shadow and sun, and a bird tgat wants to be kn peace by oneself may sit quietly in shadow, maybe as a warm ball of feathers and ve somehow wise so, but each of them can be wise in their own ways. 


See also   ( 24th of September 2024   I was left wondering, is the Christmas gnomes and elves internet institute a Bird institute, or gotten surprisingly much influencies from admiring the little singing birds for tens of years ? )


For easy nice healing, see which ought to lead to my blog 

Miracle healing advice for first aid in serious accidents or big wounds, etc, see 

Miracle healing advice for first aid or later, see 

"As if of a naturally healthy family", see 

Sunday 22 September 2024

The Santa Claus Village of Rovaniemi seems good or ok influence

 Yesterday I added to this blog a link to an article about a 80 years old man who has for years been a Sanra Claus in Helsinki, was it year around. But after that I felt ill and hooeless until I removed that blog post. When I still lived in Helsinki, there were some periods when my lufe went poorly and the feeling was similar, so I guess that such Asian looking not-so-religous abd good-willing, good quality santa clauses are not good enough inflyence compared with one's lufe skills even shen stuck or ill. So there ought be no right to send such influencies to Finns. 

The Santa Claus of Kirvatunturi is much better. But what really carries much better, is the Santa Claus Village kn Rovaniemi ("rovasti" means some type of Christian priest, and "nimi" means a name, "niemi" is a nose like landform of a shore) kn the Finnish Lappkand. Maybe it is more like the views in the media, kind of more supported and checked by the world, and of it's live video at , see , a Finn maybe easier understands tgat the visitors there are not so good influence and that many may be ill or somehow lackkng some Finnish cultural wisdom. So one understands better the burdens of such a place. And the influencies from some Christmas gnome / elf oriented living kn Rovaniemi kind if carry somehow, even though the life seems to ve mostly sleepy, maybe crying, not going much outdoors, eating cookues or something of the kind, trying to do one's share for a better world. In Korvatunturi the place seems more like foreigners and other groups having tge tendency to conquer it, kibd of smaller and oyt of sight, not so clear to foreigbers why jyst such.


If Rovaniemi and Turku (Christmas peace) both have a kind of floyrishing, liked Christmas theme that is somehow well know also internationally or abroad, and that interest or theme creates some fascination also year around and not only near Christmas, would it then be somehow good for other towns (etc?) too to have their own liked Christmas theme that is somehow international too? To Espoo seem to suit Christmas gnomes and elves, or at least writing of such and Espoo has had such a reputation long, but it meaning civiliced life suited to the capital district, with an emphazis on home life, handiworks, some nature, free time, civiluced holistic view of the world which suppirts good life in the world. And Helsinki has traditionally been for objective thinking with picture of the whole, common sense and healthy wisdom of life, healthy ways of living, individuality and freedom, music and high culture, liking the nature and a citizen level society, wishing well in the wide world and raising the younger generation. 

Higher education in the Christmas gnomes / elves internet institute?

 Some 3200 advices for a Christmas gnome / elf like life

I tried counting the parageapfs in this text. In blig 3. the count was 2950, and after blog 4. some 3000. Blogs 5. and 6. added some 200 new paragrapfs or advices, and this latest blog 7. this far maybe 12 advices. So this far there are some 3200 advices in these blogs about skills for a Christmas gnome / elf like life year around, world-wide, in the modern world. 

" For the first time I wonder if this really could be some degree to study for, but on the other hand, what matters most is what one does in practice, what are one's values and quality, does one wish fairly well in the world? 


Please see 


" In the lower pile of books in Finnish, the three thick books are 1 450 pages of easy nice miracle healing advices. Mostly all these advices can ve read separately, at least if there is some forum on which to exchange info about the possibly needed background, and links & numbers of where to find each piece of text. Mostly or fully possible in the internet without any fee, if you have a computer, with (or for example a mobile phone, with) internet. The size of the pile jyst makes me wonder if some woukd like it as a degree, but I do not know who woukd arrange such, woukd it ve a kind of fake like paper made by a family member or what? And generally degrees ought to have many sources, not just one. 

" (From my blog )

* * *

A blog post (with later addition) of Christmas angels at 

The advertisement of the old version of the Christmas gnomes / elves internet institute is at 

* * * * *

For these books series, see 

You can find most of the books as free versions at , and easy nice miracle healing advices at 

If you want to start by reading about Christmas gnomes / elves, start at . (Click the link to read the blog, by clicking the picture of the page here below you can maybe read the beginning of the text.) 

Also much liked or outrageous or stunning seems the book/series "Of walking in beauty", which you can find at . Some like to start by reading the book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" in the beginning of that blog.


Also liked is the book "Magnifient Views: and nice to live in", and some are eager to read the quite new book "Traditional skills have a place in the modern world" and some just want the book/blog "Wine like fascination in life". 

Many are also interested in the books "Christmas elf like work" and "Wisdom of life for Christmas elves" 1.-3., even though in the Finnish language there us just one word for Christmas gnomes and Christmas elves: "tonttu" or "joulutonttu". 

It is my impression that quite many read one or a few pieces of text of these advices each day to kind of lift the level of understanding and wisdom of life in their day and in their work, somewhat like a newsletter might do. So these texts are not meant to be studied through like achieving for points, but instead to be read according to personal interest to help in that area of life toward greater wisdom of life and happiness. And so I guess that some think it good if there are texts left still unread, since these are quite theoretical advices in learning talents and skills, and so there isn't anything new if one reads them later again, not any point in such.
 I have written longest about the skills for a Christmas gnome/ elf like life in the modern world, so I guess that some are motivated to reading about that subject for years, so maybe it would be a most interesting way to read by starting from . And read the other texts when one is interested in such. 

If you run too much to my texts, it is because I write advices in learning skills, talents and wisdom of life, while most (or all?) others in the same subjects write just stories and tales, without writing trustworthily or explaining how to learn such things in life. And so you who have read and understood some of these advices of learning skills etc, maybe because of that belong to those quite few who coukd write about such subjects without it needing to be just a story or tale. And it is important that you too woukd write something according to clmmon sense of such (for example if you recommend a link to my blog, you might write some description on that page in your own words, so there would be several persons' versions (or choices of words etc) of the rationality of feelings, etc), since these things sound like many kbew this kinds of skills and not jyst me, and so you writing something wisely coukd help to overcome a big communication problem. 
(Like I studied in the university theoretical physics, or that was the part influencing my thinking type a lot and it is an area of science that ought to understand mechanucal models and their areas of validity unusually well, but even with such a background, what individuals produce on their own, varues a lot. ) 

23rd of September 2024   If you have read these Christmas gnome / elf skills blogs ... this far, you have propably read the centermost highest pile of books in the picture. ( Some of the Christmas gnome skills books contain some other texts of mine that were on the links, but anyway that is surely less than a half of the hieght of the pile, and mostly those other texts are from the other books around the pile. ) 

The centermost pile has at least the books: 
Skills of Christmas gnomes 1.-9. 
Wisdom of life for Christmas elves 1.-3. 
(Christmas angels, which book I do not have) 
Thoughts about magic
Animals in space
Wonderful, Miracle like Beings 
Christmas elf like work
And the series Traditional culture's wisdom (of which I lack two books)

The other books are typically of subjects of which was clearly wanted a separate blog, like magnifient views, easy nice miracle healing advices, a sorcerer, poems of Eino Leino, paradise theory, feeling computers, etc. 

* * *

About drawing an unique fine and fun diploma in a nice handwriting style 

With watercolours and drawing with the brush, keeping it in hand like a pencil, might make colours like this work out, but one must first practise a little on another paper, see 

Fine arches and curves in lettering seemed produced by a comforting state of mind helping with wisdom of life "hush little baby don't you cry", kind of offering what space for life according to feelings there was lacking from, or just liked by, the receivers, so the situation seemed to be in a too unwise environment, or the presents for much younger receivers than the writer oneself,  

I guess one could produce fine archs in handwriting by thinking of the realistical dreams one wants to express when writing, like the charm of a travel destination or some fine insights in thinking, etc, kind of adviced handwriting but freely stylized one's own way, see 

A leaf decoration might fit this subject 

I have lost my first maybe half-a-page long text in the paradise theory subject, but 
The first long text "Ihmiskunnan kohtalo ja suurten systeemien kehitys" i.e. "The fate of the human kind and the development of large systems", which started me writing about paradise theory. It is in Finnish but in the beginning a short translation to English. See 

Sometimes when some at home circles with family and teen or almost teen children, if they try something they are not good at, maybe have no experience of life of such, but just give it a good try, like when listening to national radio maybe sometimes happens. They try to figure out of each kind of thing abd maybe side in it, something really fkne and according to their greatest ability, wise in the world toi, kind of insightful, wise and fruitgul in the long run, really try to excel in it in some way. And so they produce a surprisingly fine misaic of things from different areas of life. And so they have some input for that srea of lufe too. And so they have a better abiluty to save everyday lufe situatilns so that lufe runs often well and smoothly, each one going their own ways. But it demands respecting individuality and freedom, honesty snd clmmln sense, healthy wisdom of life and wishing well in the world. 

Panda called Pyry (=blizzard) in a Finnish zoo 

My Japanese spitz dog Vaapukka 2011 (which died some years ago)

24th of Deptember 2024   Weather skills for all climates (primarily for those living there, only some suited for travelling)  

Saturday 21 September 2024

How to see people as beautiful

 " I do not so well understand the Eurovision songs. Some later year somebody else's song was called Jezebel. Now I came to wonder did the name seek to say or ask how are people beautiful. So now just a moment ago I tried to compose of that subject: to be somewhat like this song and social with people around, maybe they or quite many would look beautiful: D,E,G(longer),short pause and after it somewhat glidingly A, F, E


The two Finland's Eurovision songs that resembled my melodies

 In the spring 2020 the Eurovision song contest was not kept, but Finland's song was 

26th of February 2020   I was thinking of åepåle living in harmony in a way that is reflected in singing in a choir, or learned from it, and thought of people from different continents singing, but I do not know what it affected that it was just a thought.
There are three parts in this: 10/4 theory, 8/4 practice and 8/4 ideals.
Was thinking of the harmony of the choir, not nedessarily of it's melody.Could it work out as chords accoimpment?

5th of March 2020 These three parts would beif I remember right: 1. rationally, 2. in practical chores, 3. ideals. I wrote also fourth part and it would be: 4. collecting these to living ordinarily. It is half-notes: E, A, F and C.

Tuesday 10th of March 2020   Finland's Eurovision song of 2020 was chosen last Saturday, I listened to it in the internet and it sounded quite much like this piece of mine, with the fourth part too, but of course it had words too and I do not know who composed it and how much similar it in fact was. My thought was that this piece is just a harmony, not the melody itself.

20th of March 2020
Here are the last notes too:

22th of March 2020   If I remember right, the beginning repeats the same because one starts to sing the harmony and another one obvserves "Aha such, I will sing something of the kind too", and so he/she is along but a little bit late in the beginning.
This is just some kind of harmony of a choir: something of rationality, of practical chores, of ideals that maybe brought them to Finland/Europe/watching Eurovision from tv. And then just collecting it to something ordinary but nice so that it is easier to live with.

Here is the npte without the repetition in the beginning:

A bird in a tree outside this apartment house I live in, asked for a similar harmony for birds, so I made thsi melody for them:


In 2021 I had composed a melidy of an animal resembling a wolf galloping over the snowy street when I one morning quite soon after having mived to a new home looked out of the window. 

 I moved a week ago from Savonlinna to Espoo. We here live very much in town, but my poodle had as young puppies with a wolf in Savonlinna, Pihlajaniemi. So as he some days ago wanted me to make a children's book like he instructed - it was early morning and I guess he half dreamed it - and I wrote about it to his blog . Today morning some 20 to seven I saw a dark figure like a large dog with quite thick tale run in an angle across the street here where it is mainly houses and some trees, and my poodle Banjo said it was a wolf, and I guess that it was interet´sted in the children's book of my poodle Banjo. Banjo has a tendency to such hobbies, so his animal friends might have such hobbies too. Later I tried to compose about the wolf, my poodle wished so. But I have computer problems, so here is the melody in letters:

D (1/8 note), D&F (half note), G (1/4), A (1/2), E (1/4), D (1/2), E&G (1/2), A (1/8), G (1/2), E (1/8), D (1/4) and E&G (1/2).

This is in town in Postipuuntie in Puustellinmäki near Leppävaara railway station in eastern Espoo. Sp this is not a countryside road at all. 

9.2.2021   I managed to load the picture of the note to computer:


But I remember that it was I who wanted to give it a try to compise of the wolf, a kind of temptation and a wish to know how well it would succeed. 
I am worried of so many facts and social styles being wrong when I read my old texts, especially some old healing advices in my own Finnush healing blig, and the translations found in the internet were judt too loysy or outrageously criminal to fit as translations at all. But anyway I do not understand what is the point in wruting so much, since I am not a journalist, instead I tend to collect these blog texts of mine to books which though do not seem to sell at all. 

* * *
I do not so well understand the Eurovision songs. Some later year somebody else's song was called Jezebel. Now I came to wonder did the name seek to say or ask how are people beautiful. So now just a moment ago I tried to compose of that subject: to be somewhat like this song and social with people around, maybe they or quite many would look beautiful: D,E,G(longer),short pause and after it somewhat glidingly A, F, E

Of jungle tribes etc

 As younger I wanted to move to live close to the nature, but I did not know where in the world it would be. Later I was on some email list ...