Tuesday 24 September 2024

Of the Forest Finns

 The Forest Finns as a subject often brings the wish to spend time in the nature. Like with the Green mivement, such is partly related to not feeling well in town, even though there are other motivatilns for time in bature too. About feeling well in town, see https://kokonaiskuvat2.blogspot.com/2021/02/viihtyvyys-kaupungissa.html .

See also my blog MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com , maybe especially my blog ASorcerer.BlogSpot.com .

The Forest Finns are valued for good quality objectivity and healthy wisdom of life. 

Old times in Finland are a subject that often interests other cultures too, even people from the tropics. So they tend to compare it with a cold weather and suppose that one ought to eat a lot. But in the old times Finns were used to the weathers that they had, so they did not eat unusually much. And since these northern areas wete largely uninhabitet because of the growing season of plants being short and so the areas not so very productive in agriculture, and so likewise there were not so many animals to hunt and not many people met and so seldom anyone killed, and so there was only some plant-based food, only a little bit of meat, I have heard that ordinarily there was only on Thursdays "hernekeitto" what is it called round ball like green bean related food plant seeds, a soup of them abd in it varying amounts (never really lot) small pieces of sliced pork? And no other meat except in Christmas table pork. But there was also milk, butter, and I guess chicken's eggs too, from which to cook food. Anyway, the weather was often kind of a phenomenom that demanded much of taking into account, and so instead of vua foods especially, it was mostly taken into account via wisdom of lufe and wisdom in the world st large, for example via high culture but valuing good quality instead of job position etc. 

Anyway, many who think of the past ages in Finland, tend to neglect good quality, fair play, honesty, wisdom, civiliced values, wisdom of lufe, etc, and jyst try to dominate like a person without energy for detailed observatilns, so without taking things inyo account honestly, just byoasses and eats something and discusses with others in the table or about other prioritues of theirs, and so they kind of dominate over the situation as if there were only a few peopke interested in the ancient Finns. If that is influence from the old times, it is not like the imoressions of Finnish culture countryside, so mayve ordinary Finns did changw groups, travel to places they liked and admired, etc, abd only in tiwbs were they so stuck abd fed up, kind if arguing with family memvers egc. Old Finnish tales at least tell of young Finns travelling to find their fortune and hsppiness. 

But for example Lönnrot who collected the poems of Kalevala, was of another more town-oriented culture i.e. Swedish speaking, as far as I know. 

Anyway, even people liking the tropics but interested in Forest Finns, may mean they would prefer people eating a lot, and so such shoukd be their own feature, for example eat pieces of cool bakery with lots of butter on them, instead of demanding it from others, but maybe such comes via some spiritual connection, kind of knowing who all, what kibds of people are interested in the subject, which in a way is a question of in which country one wants to live. 

Would you understand if you thought of the Finnish ways of living as someone, maybe academically oriented, who travelled too far for most to the almost-desert i.e. too cold for life to flourish tgere, but took it as an interest kn the plants, etc there, kind of "Let's see what we can learn from these small plants' wisdom of how to survive here." And took it as a task to live wisely, learn wisdom of lufe so, instead of relying on buikd things overly much, instead ofcstaying clise to buildings and relying on tools overly much. 

And so it is not necessariky one's own children who value such life. Instead the children may have other values and other cultural likings, and would like to move away to those coubtries but somehow don't do so, and I do not nnow why, since in these modern tines many have moved to Finland like to a job that one likes and a place that one personally likes, and so their chikdren may be naturally ibclined to sone other climate zone, place or culture and type of wisdom of lufe. 

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Of jungle tribes etc

 As younger I wanted to move to live close to the nature, but I did not know where in the world it would be. Later I was on some email list ...