Sunday 29 September 2024

Of the uninhabitability of the tundra etc

 Continuing from 

I have lived most of my life in Helsinki in the southern Finland, and some years slso in this neighbouring town Espoo. I have not been able to travel in the Lappland, even though when I was a child many guessed that some very northern area might suit me. In under school age my mom guessed that northern Russia might suit me, since there people have traditionally needed to do things with good quality, but I like the trees and flourishing nature, so as far south as possible without lazying suits me. In school age some guessed that reindeer herding life in the Fknnish Lappland might suit me, but it turned out that the Lapplandish are not at all as much for healthy ways of living as people in southern Finland, and so Lappland was not at all like it's reputation. 

I have been to Lappland two times that I remember. Once was with our school class on a bus winter time. It was said to be -10C to -15C outdoors so that most had well experience of skiing in such weathers. But it did not go at all like planned. When the bus came there via some ooened road, there were not things well in sight like usually in winter time. Instead all was kind of shades of white without really seeing well what was what. So I wondered coukd it be that the school's religion teacher like woman we had seen walking there just a few tens of neters before, had some problems with eyesight when snowy plus lights, since she looked such, since such is typical for the unexperienced. But the adults said she was the religioys one not so borne to frostbites, so they forced the few boys exoerienced in skiing to copy from her as they went ourdoors, and in obe or rwo minutes they said the boys had gotten frostbites since it really was an unwise women in such skills of bodily heat regukation etc, and so the boys were likely to loose body parts and maybe die, and so they had to come in - or shoukd have been allowed to try on their own. As I was maybe a meter or two from the outdoor, I become dizxy, could not see in front of me, and so I stayed in the bus and my eyesight recovered only when in southern Finland or was it when a new bus driver from Savo somewhere in the central Finland. There was some eskimo influence someone put via some spiritual or social ways, which I did not nanage to bear, since usually I cannot bear influencies from others dominating instead of me making my own versions of things, especially being able to use my own skilks fully. 

Was 10 to 20 years later I trued attebding a wilderness guide course in the Lappland (in Saariselkä, but I had had an atheistical upbringing, it was just that some priest? wanted to know if the basic school like level was there ok, since they seemed getting too much influencies from other places, often abroad, which were not good enough), but when the bus arrived there were just a few houses and grass. The man there said they had cut down all the trees since some like more frassy, but the trees never grew back. I wondered how coukd such be wildlife oriented life, since it sounded the opposite. They had promised warm blankets etc for the night, but I had as a sleeping place a storege shelter like wooden building without heating or window or any other blanket than some bed decoration cover which was much too thin. So I did not sleep well at all, instead I wondered did they mean to murder me so. In the morning we left for canoibg, but kbstead of nature scenes it was a wide straight ditch like river without even geasses in sight, only small stones (soraa tai sepeliä, ei edes rantakiviä). Then some time much later it curved and was more natural, but I was too tired and my pair drank alcohol too much, so we were left far behind the others. Then there came small rapuds in the river and we had some problems because we were both too slow. But somehow we got to theshore with the others and went some way to camp there for a while, but they seemed like they might murder me, so there came two large sbakes like wheels (since such foes not make them cold) and I maybe was rescued so, or then I was killed there, but anyway that ended that wilderness guide course for me, it was not good enpugh. 

So these experiences about Lappland (or coukd it have been Alaska, and later Canada), seem yo be such that ordinarily well working areangements for even just arriving tourists which seems like their most advertised major source of income, were not taken care according yo the ordinarily well working basic level needed. Like with the school class, the roads had been partly ooened from snow so that it was not in sight for the driver where the road was. Or that the helpers were worse in winter skills than the newcomer schoolkids, and so I wonder, was it told wrong where in Lappland the place was, wss it much more northern than said, for example Ivalo or Kittilä from where one of the boys maybe originally was. And rwally a wilderness guide course without nature, without warm blankets, etc  is not good enough quality. 


Of those who like to wander in Lappland in the summer time, I have the imoression that they wander a little bit lije one asking the route, kind of keeping humans as central poibts and then there are curved lines in beyween as routes, abd some of them as central poibts of attention like some skilled one kn some profession. And so it is a little bit like the unskilled asking for advice in curing sone disease, and then following just such, instead of living the lufe fully. So it is instead of understanding much about lufe, or such are the social ways. Such are very different from the landscape lije school taught picture of the world with senses open and healthy wisdom of life, allowing room to live in also for other tyoes of people .

Such resembles the old descriptions of Tuonela, a place where ghe dead live, on the other side of Tounelan joki, the river of the deads' zone.  Of ut too pictures are as if of a grey twilught like light, people searching for something in the ground, is it like in the spring when snow has melted but there is not yet green grasses. And there too the sovial relations ate narked but lufe lived along similar technical curved lines, is it the area of scarce life, like via education witjout senses open, without landscape like view other than like in stomach pain.  


For example I some day lately found this course with nice pictures, but yesterday I got some Lapplandish social influence from it and got just ill, so I had to remove the bookmark, and so even the Santa Claus Lands in the Lappland seem too impossible for me to travel in, without me really noticing what goes wrong, I guess I am just of a too different human type, better suited to some other places. 

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Of jungle tribes etc

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