Wednesday 25 September 2024

Wisdom, law and lied rules

 There is a famous painting of a maiden with a law book in her hands and a great eagle stealing it away from her. It is somewhat problematic to think of, since it is ok for great wisdom to rule, even above law, for example folliwing the rule "Live and let others live" plus common sense and wisdom of life, with good quality, is often ok. But if the eagle symbolises a criminal  trying to disturb the possibilitues for ordinary basic life, then such us a problem. And if then there is some too poor version of law but lied as something that ought to rule, then there is the danger of the wise great eagle being lied to be a criminal, so the whole thing demands some social eye and paying attention to what is what and what is wise in the world. 

This was brought to my mind by the song Forbidden games, which I used to like, but of which others seem to produce awfully criminal versilns. It is good to not to be overly stuck to one's chilhood's socisl circles but instead find a job that suits oneself, and that means on relying on civiluced wisdom, on folliwing beautiful values and common sense plus wisdom of life, instead of being stuck to the childhood environment's professions, skill levels, likings etc. 

"I have not been given the right to ask for your hand (i.e. marry you /get such a job /area of life), I was building a hut for dreams that wind swept away, now the wind makes me so cold. When I see a dream I love, when I love according to my heart's voice in a healthy way for the world, I know (in the eyes of my chikdhood environment) it is just a forbidden game. All know that you belong to another, when to another you give happiness I can bear it, if I get you secretly to the promised game, you (that area of life/job) are a part of my dreams (of what I feel to be right, well for the world)

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Of jungle tribes etc

 As younger I wanted to move to live close to the nature, but I did not know where in the world it would be. Later I was on some email list ...