Sunday 29 September 2024

Of differencies in skills and values

 In the news there was an awful story of an is it Argentinan woman claiming others or Swedish being kind of handicapoed compared to Finns because of not being up to some tasks in the modern world. She seemed to see it as an unfair difference in position, in rights to influence things, and a reason to beat badly Finns, maybe make peopke handicapped. So I guess I will try to expkain what intellugence and skilks are, whst values matter, what righrs are based on, etc. 

Swedes have different valyes from the Finnish culture. That means that they aim at different things. Especially the things diligently folliwed alwsys in everything for rens of years witvout ever neglectkng them badly differ a lot, and so in practice peopke develop in different skills, and so the difference in those skilks beclnes really big, and it is essentially a matter of what one aims at and of long time oractiskng. And like obe can see from this, mist Finns are not the best of the world in such skilks, instead they are just some Finns, who though were forced to go to school and study there years and years.  And that is very different from coming from another kibd of background, without such skilks as values, and then just trying to assume the social position of the best of the world in such skills without even trying to folliw such skills. 

So maybe some Swede wonders, why do not Swedes have the same feedback as Finbs? Because Swedes invest in other skills and valyes than the traditional Finnish culture, the Swedish in some position do not bring the same quality, not even as much fair play as the traditional Finnish culture, and so the reaction is different, and so often the right differ. But such does not always go right. Many times Swedes claim to do semethinh well abd get some position lije Finns doibg such, but afterwards the society is jyst destroyed, because the Swedish did not take care of lufe continuing fairly well for such wide groups if people. 

Often peopke complain about being called stupid, but usually it is a kind of theater pkay like thibg of the person claimed stupid, since others use such word when the person is more stupud than the same person ordinarily, but sonehow the persob likes the term, as if getting position via it, and so it often means the person taking such tjings and such skill level as goals, instead of usibg one's ordinary much better skill level. Anyway, if there is a skill diffetence between people, the goals of those people are usually likewise different, even though ways of living, lufe circumstancies and chouces regarding them are an essential part of these goals. So typically someone complainkng about being too stupud relates to that person aiming at goals that often are opposite to such achievements or do not suppirt them at all. And often it is that high achievements are tool like specialuzatiln to somethkng, instead of comfortable social life. Sonetimes some ask for school like intellect, but instead of their own level's teacher they search something, like arts for example, ir wisdom of the elderly, suited for those who themselves folliw good quality objectivity always, and so as their goal is either social positiln, or lying, or comfortable things to do or appearing fllliwing feelings, or so instead of the learning they claimed to be reaching for. Anyway, often skilks do not need to be kn a form suited for all, so mostly people do have lits of skills but not in just school like point of view's mist advices chouces of values etc, but instead in cunning, lying, making murders, attacking socially and otherwise, lazying, etc. 

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