Wednesday 25 September 2024

What writing about Christmas gnome/elf skills feels like as a task

 I found a video called "Worst failures of this week" or somethkng of the kind, see 


As I had posted the above video link and watched some of it again, I went to read the internet news, and there was a picture of the Finland's parlament building's pilars havibg been painted red. At first I wondered at what was such, and was it an attack agaibst politicians, or the claimed reason opposing lifting swamp soil, did it refer also to these texts of mine or was it a new situation created by the text "As if of a naturally healthy family" at i.e. . 

But then I came to wonder, did it refer to the Carelian song lands of old times or what there is old times like left, having been in the eyes of some abroad, maybe the squarely thinking Swedish, quite defenceless against attacks, like is in a sense some atmosphere there or kn Finland, and on the other hand things peaceful for jyst Finland as if we had it easier.

I have wondered, I have been 15 years without any summer cottage visit, so how woukd such go for me, and how do situations usually go? If somelne fits somewhere, lufe continyes there well in the long run with that person left fairly in peace and fairly sovereign, then such a person is somehow suppirted by opinions of the wise also from further away. And to be wuse and to ve a suppirt foe the large environment, one needs to have a wide view and in it an understanding og many things, and so many encounters go via taöking, via kniwing what it is about, and so quite many times there have been ratilnal clmmonly agreed courses to take, areangements. Some suiting there, others not, often solves quite much of how to arrange things. And while many guess an unsensitive attack to win, on the other hand, understanding at least 1 000fold amount of things to take into account, also creates some advantage, and so ofyen things continue quite peacefully without the attackers knowing why or how just such, but on the other hand every now and then there are failures, and one jyst notices, ouch I shoukd tried better and oaid attention in this too. I do not know, such a mess, but with the weathers maybe people have such charachters that things go so. 

I watched some video of those painting the pilars with red paint? from fire extinguisher cans. Those painted quite high as if over the parlament. I wondered what such a view of what people want could be, do some singers understand so the wishes of masses? Ordinarily one wants to affect just some questions but leave the basic idea of the institution valid and unaltered. But for one who seeks for power to influence things, my texts at would be useful to read. 

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Of jungle tribes etc

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