Sunday 6 October 2024

Wisdom does not spread so well

 Thinking forms a picture of the world. It does not actually command anything. It is just the view of some person of what the world is like. If Finnish school taught a basic picture of the world, claiming such to be commonly taught in many civiliced countries, it does not yet mean that others would follow such a picture of the world with such choices of values. Like wishing well for the world, considering such very important snd folliwing such values in wise ways, would be a basic major choice and assumption of wise tactics in lufe of such a picture of the world. Yet it does not mean that people would have such values, or follow them in practical social life even if they thought such values good to have. So havkng kniwledge of how things coukd ve well in the world, is very different from getting people to folliw such wise choices in life. Like for example too much school causes opposition. Yet local skilks and local wisdom tend to cease existing if people do not folliw them, since in other places other wordings or otherwise other forms of wisdom make sense, instead of the local views of some place which is not so wise. And so all wisdom too needs lots of socual backing up before it can affect tvings in practice, and often such jyst goes ashtray, somebody using force and people opposibg. Often all trying to influence others socially or by opiniobs feels like too much social pressure and forcing, so often the best way to support wisdom is to seek to behave wisely in one's own life, and so there are valyes and skills making such easier choice for some others too, at least sometimes. 

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Of jungle tribes etc

 As younger I wanted to move to live close to the nature, but I did not know where in the world it would be. Later I was on some email list ...