Wednesday 2 October 2024

Some dim dreams or noghtmares about lives after death and comments

 I had two dogs: one white spitz which was a miracle healer and really nice friendly charachter, and a year younger apricot poodle of the same size but of a more slender build which was intelligent and charming, a really fine gentleman. The poodle told when quite young that it is difficult for white dogd to be white in their next life, and often they may end up being black in their next lives, or go to be tortured which makes it possible for them to be white in their next lives. My poodle said that he did not want his white friend to get tortured, so he had decided to help his white friend and take some of that torture to himself. 

My Japanese spitz died June 2019, and seemed to contknue lufe as a miracle healer but lived with fat elderly human nurses that he liked and considered like himself, but those did not have the same way of healing, so across time the skill level of the white spitz deteriorated or varied. 

In March 2021 my apricot miniature poodle died. He seemed to continue to people interested in testing the intelligence of dogs, and then to my mom with whom I do not keep any contact. Sone years earluer my oa' had had cancer, of which I did not besr to hear, but he mught have list some body part(s?). My poodle's ghost? maybe had remarked something of miracle healing being pissible, so mu mom thought if that is so, then the poidle could help us by showing how to grow new limbs. And she cut away the hind legs of the piddle's ghost, and took it to the invaluds' recovery hospital unit near her home, and left the dog there. Where it got a big warm meal, and muraculously recovered growing new limbs. Then it just walked or run back to my parents' house. And such repeated jyst about daily which I could not bear but it was jyst some nightmare, not real. My pa' learned quite quickly to grow a new leg. But my mom tended to cut it too away, and he just thought it was his llng tine dear spouce what coukd he do about such. Such reoeated too several times. It turned out that my mon lacked several limbs, tgat she was inclined toward wanting to be a cyborg, but had an intellectual knterest in the possibiluty of recovering to fully healthy human body. One day ln some virtual side I adviced her that she should cut shorter the hair between the poodle's toes since it was in bunches pressing the poidle's oaws, and that the poidle was trying to teach her how to recover, see how it is better for recovery when the bunch if hair does not oress the paws on each step, learn to lusten to such slight differencies, listen to feelings so since it is good for recovery. So she learned to grow a new limb, or several I do not remember. But was it the same day or next, it seemed the right away so maybe the same day, she somehow arranged something, flew to Great Britain and met Queen Elisabeth, saying that it was öossible to grow a new limb, and loojed at her right kbee and tvought do you too have such she susoected. And the Queen said something like it is impissible to communicate widely but ut us needed by some and some will know or gyess. In the same day it was announced that the Queen Elusabeth had fied. 

The Jaoanese spits had cobtinyed with nurses etc, but without the for mer healing skills. Some Argentinan female vetenarians wanted it to est the human surgery patients' inner organs instead of helping. The white spitz was small and just a pet, things went horribly wrong, cannibalusm etc. And I think each one must estimate bu obeself whst one suppirts, instead of cobsequences unfairly dalling upon a good willing old fridnd or relative. 


Of miracle healing advices, see which ought to lead to the blog , many of which are available also as book/ebooks at .


The news header says: New info of the shooting at Tampere's Hämeenkatu, the gunfire hit also outsiders

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