Tuesday 1 October 2024

Of trimming a guard dog like poodle style

( In the picture fro March 2021 my poodle Banjo two days before it was killed by veterinarian's tooth inspection & tooth cleaning. )

 "I was left thinking of tge last years of my apricot miniature-sized poodle Banjo, without his pair Vaapukka, which was a white Japanese spitz dog, that Banjo would have longed for a more guard dog like caliber for poodles, which at least partly was a consequence of it's pair for about ten years had been both a guard and a companion dog, among other things with a broader jaw, which affects the strenght of it's bite, but on the other hand if a poodle would bite mouth more open and with the half of it's jaw further from it's nose, the poodle too could so correspond to a wide-jawed but somewhst smaller dog. On the other hand many other dog breeds too are with a quite narrow nose but only under their fur coat. So a poodle could have somewhat longer fur in it's nose, so it would natyrally look more convincing. I think thete seems to be some lenght of the hair which seems natural, if one does not need to think of dring the mouth and jaw fur before going for a walk in the freezing winter time te.peratures. Another thing which affects guard dog like loojs a lot is does the poodle have ehat style of fur ball in it's tail. The most guard dog like i.pressiln (thinking of such now after having lived years without a dog) would for a poodle be something i  the direction of white and black west-highlands terriers, maybe just from the black west-highlands terriers some style added to the poodle style when needed. And at least black minuature poodles have tended to run a lot and ve sporty, so to the ordinary poodle style add some sportiness when feel like liking such, plus some terrier style when needed. 

As a guard dog I think a poodle is good in such, well along in the situations, cooperates well with owner, has wisdom of life and takes all into account, takes part in discussions, changes agilely place, goes it's own routes if such seems good and comes well along when needed, is turned toward the situatiln and attackers and is well along in what happens, takes well into account the different factors etc in a situatipn, quick, but as with a quite narrow jaw, not with a so strong bite and not so convincing lookibg in the eyes of all. It is good tgat one dies not need to use a guard dog like perspective all the time or walk slowly. 

The guard bark-howl of poodles is in a way good too. It does not tell so much, what kinds of being, big or small and in which mood, and so one in a sense has some space to maneuver kn. On the other hand it would somethimes be good to ibstead be quiet even if the doorbell rings, and quietly do lne's chres, live one's life in oeace, and let the problems go away. Likewise on a walk it is nice to be able walk past at a distance, kind of in one's own worlds, without needing to go to meet well eaten or lookibg like likibg being well eaten, and in a good mood, (etc), bullterriers, americanstaffordshirenterriers etc, not even at only a leash's lenght away. "

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